Everything has an end ...

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Characters: Ink, Blue, Dream, Vil, Peri, ???

3rd pov

-The child? Replied Vil as he slightly turned his back to Dream. The guardian scanned his aura once again and felt skeptical of what he had said before, the skeleton was lying and he did not know why. Vil's face was sweating blue droplets and showed a conflicted expression, one that would be revealing that he is no other than a traitor.

On the other side of the playground, Peri snickered in Blue's arms behind some trees, viewing the scene with the jar of cookies they have stolen from Dream and Ink.

It had been four months since she came into this world, and she is now at the age of one year old, already able to clumsily walk and make half-long sentences.

Blue, Dream, Ink, and Vil became important to her during this little time, she'd see them as their older brothers and they would see her as their baby sister.

Peri gave up the idea of shifting back into her reality as she believed that she was probably dead and already buried in a grave, or in a coma that she hopes she would never wake up as she was living the best childhood she ever had.

Today was the day where Dream and Blue would visit and play with the child, or maybe steal some cookies and play hide and hide with Dream not knowing what was happening and where was everyone. Peri thought that it was kinda unfair for him to not know, but she thought it wrong as a shady shadow having concealed themselves with the shadiest shadows sneak around to snatch the child from Blue's grasp and hop on the highest tree possible. Periwinkle watches as her surrounding changes into a huge landscape where she could see everything.

Blue shouted a censored insult to the one who took her away, gaining Vil's and Dream's attention to them, as for Peri, she immediately recognized the skeleton who wasn't meant to be here today.

-Today's lesson would be to teach you how to fly! She froze and looks at Ink with wide eyes. The protector stares at her with a large smile and two golden stars in his eye, almost scaring her. Then he suddenly starts laughing and now was when she knew it was a joke.

-I swear— it's like you understand absolutely everything we say! He giggled out as he let her sit on the branch with him besides, chilling for a moment.

Peri stares at Ink for a moment in silence, amazement being caught in the eyes as it was for the first time that she would actually pass some calm time with the guardian. She didn't know that he could be peaceful and calm.

The sun was setting behind Ink as his feature slowly darkened due to the contrast of lights, she caught his eyes dots staring down at her with a genuine smile, them turning into relaxed shapes. And as for Ink, he mentally laughed when Peri would «discreetly» eat a cookie from the saved jar, he found it amusing, and the little child sure was a clever and sneaky one when it comes to seeking food.

Ink looks back at the landscape, finally relaxing when he felt Dream's intrusive aura going away with Blue's loud voice and Vil's husky voice following. Today was a tiring day for him and a little bit of relaxing wouldn't be refused. From what he knew from the child was that she appeared in existence around 8 months old and was, thankfully, quickly found by Outer, then by Sans, Ccino, and Blue who took the pleasure to take care of her. From what he could have deciphered through her stats, she had no apparent parents as nothing from her codes would lead him to them, but he knew one thing, her parents are not from the same species.

Periwinkle was an infant to who he grew too attached during those past months, even if he knew she would be a burden to his plans, he kept looking for her parents in hopes for her safety. However, no out-codes had claimed to have a child with a different species; a human, and, even if he had to push the child to help him, Core did not register nor knew Peri's existence at all, which was strange.

In return, Peri's soul would have been helpful to localize her parents, but being an accidental child and only having one year old didn't allow her to have a soul enough developed to have a proper script and external magic. If he wanted to, he would need to wait a few years, but it was impossible as he was lacking time.

Ink sighed tiredly with a small smile, looking down on something he had grabbed from his stash a moment ago. Peri follows his eyes and widens her eyes when she realizes what he was holding.

A glowing vial.

She knew what it was, she knew it all, she knew what was going to happen soon, and she knew what was inside.

Ink pushed back the vial into where it originally was kept, without wanting to annoy the old man, and turned his head toward the child with a warm smile, one that would compete with Dream's aura. Peri looks down at her dangling feet with a sad smile, remembering what she had loved to watch in the creator's world and immediately changing her opinion on her potential future.

That moment when she thought that she'd be able to live her best childhood ever...

-You're a big mystery, you know...and also a big dilemma..., he muttered as he pats her head with a heavy hand. She looks back at him with those expressing eyes that he envies, a small hand slightly tugging the fabric of his sleeve as he allows her to sit on his lap.

-You're also...the first case of an out-code infant from two different species...(that are probably dead...), Ink's eyes turned into sad and conflicted dots, worrying the little girl beside as she was trying to forget the vial thingy.

-Mista' Ink? He looks back at her with no change of emotions, and for once, seemed sincerely sad and concerned.

-I was worried for you back then, ...and I'm honestly still are...

-I've been searching for your parents since the day I met you, and as you can see. I did not find them..., his tone of voice weakened as he shamefully looks away. He recoiled his back slightly to gain his composure back and tried to look fine and reassuring, but she could see through his mask, and he could feel it too.

-During those months, I could tell that you weren't mentally an infant... Whose child would have learned to talk and walk perfectly in only four months? Without forgetting that you are perfectly able to understand any complicated words and achieve things like sign language or reading a whole encyclopedia...

The child glitched in alarm at the other's words, her body feeling numb as time pass. Ink noticed it, but at some point, wasn't surprised anymore. He didn't even question if she was related to Error as he knew it was impossible.

-Yeah, ... I kind of...watch over you from up there..? He laughed nervously at the awkward situation he created but proceed to continue the 'serious talk'.

-But more importantly, none of us will be there to take care of you anymore, and it's only a matter of time. He coldly spoke as he moved the child back to the side. Peri looks at the guardian with a frown, not understanding what was happening.

-wha'? But—

-Not even Vil. He interrupted with three brief words.

-(stupid s'condary chawacte's, of cou'se, they need to die when people would get attached to-them) she muttered low enough for Ink to not hear her as she glared away, her cheeks feeling the heat coming back as tears would soon blur her vision.

-But...that doesn't mean it's an adieu, we'll see each other...soon, hopefully...

-Wha' do you mean soon?! You won't leave me yet, right?! She began shaking at the thought of being alone in this small universe. Ink looks down at her with pitiful eyes as he rubbed her purplish tears away.

-I'm sure that you know how dangerous is the outside-worlds, it's full of persons that are...or that could kill you effortlessly. I'll make sure to protect you, even if I'm not around.

And with that, Ink moves his legs back up, ready to stand and leave already, but before he could do anything, he froze as he almost forgot something.

-Know that I'm very proud of you kiddo, and here's something that they found with you that day, he quickly spoke as he placed a navy blue bowtie around the col of her shirt, forming a perfect shape, and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead.

Finally, he vanished with a small wave and left the child dumbfounded, confused, sad, and stuck on the tree.

Eh,  , your theory was correct...

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