Need y'all attention on this one + Bonus

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Hey ye all, here's what the new cover of this book will look like: (art by me)

Hey ye all, here's what the new cover of this book will look like: (art by me)

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Me can't draw fire.
This is Periwinkle, at the age of... Maybe 6?
And no Sans, she ain't big

Now I'm also gonna change the title too.
Among those nine, which one should be the official title of this book?

A) Reborn as a Sans' child, who's the parent? No one knows. ( It's the same title, you never know if someone wants it to stay that way )

B) When it all started with a simple and usual shift ( once again, I repeat, it all started with shifting, Periwinkle's existence only happened because the shifter* decide to shift into this mess and happen to not be able to get out )

*the shifter's name is unknown until now.

C) Miss everyone's child ( At some point, she will get familiar with a lot of people, create ships and bonds, and have her own little circle of family, even if they are strange or different. )

D) Adopt me! ( Such a lonely child isn't it? Periwinkle has no one to call mom or dad, and she misses it... In another way, she's very picky... )

E) Periwinkle's adventures (simple and efficient, this book simply follows Periwinkle's adventures, point of view, and boring moments )

F) One step above everyone (Periwinkle knows things because she's from the creator's world, she knows things that she's not supposed to know + with the visions, she gets to know more about the future. )

G) Me and my nonexistent parents ( Periwinkle accepted a long time ago that she will never find her parents, which is why it's written "nonexistent", she gave up on them. )

H) Bookworm and Mister Snack ( in a sense where "Bookworm" And "Mister Snack" is an antithesis where it shows a mature and a childish version of the main character -> mentally grow up / physically a child )

I) others... ( put it in the comments, I read them all )

-No spoil
-No too many profanities, please
-Will only be answered in the comment section tho ( because it's kind of better for everyone )
-I might allow some hints about Peri's parents, MAYBE

Ask away right here ->

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