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Characters: Sci, Sans, Blue, the child, Ink

3rd pov

The doctor-like Sans looks down at the eyes of the child, this one sternly watching his moves, ready to droll.

The infant's eyes lights were unnaturally dim and quite distinct, they did not reach their definitive's color either, their magical ecto tongue wasn't formed yet and was still at its debut of production. Fortunately, the child was enough developed to produce a hue on their cheeks, it was a common color, purple.

Sci raises his eyes to Blue and Sans with a small skeptical glare, sending shivers to the punny one. It's not like the ex-human was giving away but quite similar.

-Are you sure that this child belongs to you two? He asked suspiciously. Blue looks over Sans for some backup as he could feel his smile twitching in panic. His mind was rushed by intrusive thoughts as 'what do we do?', 'how can I find a good excuse for whatever he's thinking?', or 'what if they all think we stole a child?'.

-Actually, the reason we came here is to have a hint on who are their real parents, Outer found them on his porch and we already called... Ink..., spoke Sans in pure disgust at the sound of the guardian's name, Sci seems to be agreeing with him as Blue would simply look down on his feet, remorseful.

Sci let out a simple nod, returning back to the child who clearly did not like the place where they were temporarily staying as it was very obvious by the look given.

-I'll do more research on their magic and maybe I'll find some 'hints'. Bitterly added the scientist before leaving the small corridor to his lab.

Swap released a breath he didn't know he was holding and plunged down on the ground, making particles of dust drift away from him. He didn't realize how their relationship changes during those nine years of separation.

But what can he do, the damages are done, they can't go back anymore.

-I don't think it was a good idea to call Ink. Sans looks down on his laying companions with a tired frown, feeling that Blue would finally let out his frustration after years.

-What are you trying to say?

-I'm just saying that... I just... I- I don't trust Ink after everything...and...what do you think would happen to that child if..., he stops mid-sentence and moves his hands to his face, not wanting Sans to see his expression at the moment.

-hey buddy... everything is back to normal again..., Sans comforted, but deep down inside of him, he, himself, did not believe his words.

-Nothing is back to normal! Sans!

-Its not normal every day I wake up, I get the same nightmare coming hack, hallucinations of my brother and Chara dying everywhere I go, Ink and Error fighting and- and—

Blue was interrupted by Sans' sudden action, making him shiver at the contact.

A hug.

-... It's okay buddy, we're all going through that..., whispered Sans as he tightly hugs the sobbing skeleton, him too, feeling tears dripping down his eyes sockets. The memories of the fights that occurred almost a decade ago were still fresh in his mind and keep flashing in from time to time.

-Let's not speak about the past, okay?


1st pov

There wasn't much light in the room, there was a small window, a lamp fixed on the ceiling, the doc's phone's flash, and a few candles around. I can't see anything right, the best I could notice is just the light around me, the shapes, and colors, but besides that, everything is blurry.

What I could tell is that I was posed on a soft fabric, probably a mattress, a cushion, or a couch, and the skeleton in front of me was no other than Science Sans.

The man sounded hecking depressed and miserable when he was speaking to Sans and Blue, and its shift to bitter and angry when Ink was mentioned in the discussion. I felt like his name would be taboo and shall never be mentioned.

-Hey little one, don't droll on it! I look at him dumbfounded and soonly realized that I was indeed drooling on place, I felt embarrassed for a second but remembered that I was a babybone.

Does he expect babies to not droll?

-Is that a baby skeleton?

3rd pov

Sci cried out when Ink suddenly pop out of nowhere, having been unaware of his presence until now. The baby, by the high-pitched scream heard from Sci, tried not to laugh for a while, but it seems that it was pointless as they burst out laughing.

-Aw, it's laughing! Yelled Ink as he accidentally shoved Sci out of the way to grab the baby.

-Watch out! Grumbled Sci as he walk back with a stumble, getting caught by a few of his machines and papers.

-Oop, sorry buddy!

The child looks up to the one holding them and narrows their tiny eyes socket as they tried to pinpoint who they were but the longer they tried to focus, the heavier their eyes' lid becomes.

-So... who's the kid?

-No name, no gender, no machines' working on them..., spat the scientist at the other's back, Ink frowned for a short moment and replace it with his usual happy smile, sending a teasing glare at the other.

Ink placed the child on his right arm and summon some of their basic stats with his left's, searching for everything he could through and under every line possible, after all, it was easy for him.

-Really? Nothing? Oh, well, you can't figure something without the secondary's stats- (Is that an out-code?) He asked himself quietly as no one but him and the child could hear.
His silent tone was becoming deeper as he whispered insults under his breath, his face turning scarier and more alarming than before.

Ink grit his teeth tightly and hold the child closer, them becoming more and more worried for their safety as they felt too tightly held. Sci noticed the sudden changes of mood and tries to interfere, but as soon as he approached them both, Ink began dissipating in his original puddle, leaving with the child.

-Sorry old friend, I have to send this little girl back home.

And with that, Ink left with the confused and scared little 'girl'. /cough

-SHIT— SANS, BLUE! HE TOOK THE CHILD! The two skeletons rushed inside of the room with wide eyes, both looking at each other without knowing what to do.

-He took...her... And I... Never mind it's pointless, you know what? Just go back home and...rest...or do something, I'll call if I ever get some news..., puffed Sci in fatigue as if he ran a marathon.

Sans sighed at his turn and turned to Blue, who was for the first time, very angry.

-Oh hell no! Blue left the room without forgetting to slam the door and went running down to the halls, trying to plan something.

-What did he say before leaving? Asked Sans as he sat down near where the child drooled. He recoiled a bit from there in slight disgust and look back at Sci with the sternest glare possible.

-He'd...send her back home...


-..what? It could be true..?

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