At the doctor's waiting hall...

394 41 42

Characters: Periwinkle, Ink, Dream (mentioned), a guy that is important to the plot. Or is he?

1st pov

I stare at the little rain's drops sliding down the window, racing against one another. The little ball of water drops then stops, then run down slightly more in a diagonal, then stops again. If I put my hand on my side of the window, some steam would come out, and the warmth would make the water fall dead.

From behind me pulling me over was Ink, listlessly reaching for the back of my hood again. "Peri, stop it," he warned, still clueless on whether it was intentional or not.

I grin sadly back at the window, where the glass melted from the contact my hand made. One of my fingers had stayed longer than the others, making it so that the window was slightly pierced and cracked from the heat.

Why would that happen, you may ask.

Well, recently, not long before two days ago, my hands would start to heat every now and then. At first, when holding a mere glass of water, the liquid inside would simply become tepid or maybe as hot as a cup of tea. But now, that mere glass of water would simply explode into shards of burning glass.

It is a disaster but upon closer inspection, my body and hands are unaffected by that heat. It's safe to assume I'm immune to my own burning powers or whatever the hell is that. I would try to see if I'm also immune to external heat but I don't dare to put my hand on a burning stove.

Theories? I got some. What could explain this phenomenon could be the overload of magic I've used these last few weeks. By playing every night with my blue magic, I've gotten quickly bored of it so I excessed my limit and energy by trying out something new and creative.

Well, I'm not sure what exactly I'm doing but it's sort of... doing it. It's just taking time and a huge amount of energy to form. Like some... platforms but make it tinier and weirdly shaped.

Of course, it's a personal theory that is confirmed to be at least true, the others will only have what Ink knows which is almost nothing if he can recall. What would he say? She can make things float which definitely explains why her hands can burn things. Oh please. I don't want to be mean but he doesn't even remember why we are here neither does he remember my full name... (thank god.)

The best thing they would actually figure out is my unknown origins, my prematurity, and that's it.

I zoom out a second and Ink pops out of the bubble.

"I wonder why your hands are acting up like that, it's very strange..." he muttered, hiding the 'and interesting' part away from my nonexistent ears.

"That would be funny if I was diagnosed with a Pyronosos," I snorted without answering the 'what the hell is that' face Ink made.

Oh no, that's just something that I made out of two Greek words, it doesn't exist.

"When will you stop with your enigmas? You'll make me anxious if you continue..."

"It's from a book, it doesn't exist... why do you sound so serious..? it creeps me out.." He never ever hid his interest in anything that isn't normal but he's actually showing me his worried side rather than his usual self.

Maybe he's forgetting that what I have cannot be an issue or a disease. Why is he anxious about something that affects me and not him? Ink was never the type to be concerned with personal affairs that don't concern him...

A little defeated sigh and my focus was back on the cracked window. From the movements behind, or should I say outside, my focus went from 50 to 100. We have been waiting for the doctor for a long time now so the darkness was now engulfing the streets and the sun had definitely disappeared from the sky hours ago.

The lamppost light hardly flickered and illuminated weakly the road, from there, my eyes swore seeing something crawling. Like a big animal or a crawling human.

That was creepy but I decided to pay no attention to it. I grab another one of these childish magazines and read some pages. There was surprisingly a big empty crossword on the last page. And it was a bit hard but not impossible. What is it doing on a 5-year-old children's book? I stole Ink's pencil and decide to complete it before the doctor came.

I gotta say that it's hard to focus with the creepy ruckus from outside and the annoying ruckus from my side.

From the sound of it, he was moving left from right trying to find a perfect position to draw. Knowing him, he might be doing all this to piss me off.

I send him a message-glare and our eyes met.

Uh. He's sweating, frowning, and copying my glare. And it's not directed to me but behind me.

For someone as careless and insensitive as him, I've never seen him this tense.

So you're telling me that whatever is behind me is putting him on edge?

Oh, I definitely wanna see this.

Could it be that weird big animal/crawling dude?

I turn around expecting something huge but I didn't see anything. I look back at Ink then to the window again and then I see it. Under the lamppost, where the light was flickering every two seconds, a guy was walking toward us, and boy did he look madly crazy.


Nope, nope.


Turn around and get out.

He was close now and double boy he was creepy af.

"Holy shhhhhh..-"

I'm going back with my crosswords, I don't care, I didn't see anything for fuck sake.

"I'm touched that you paid attention to your surroundings but don't cuss. If Dream finds out I let you cuss around me, he'll kill me." Ink said, feigning having seen nothing like me.

Ahah, beautiful drawing, Ahah. Is this guy still here?? Will come inside??

"How about we panic and run away?" I proposed quietly hoping that Ink would actually do something smart to help out.

"Act like a two-year-old child and I'll consider it." He whispered back with now his usual careless self.

This bastard is not even considering it. He just forgot, didn't he..?

Ink is hopeless AND helpless.

The doorknob of the waiting hall twitch and a loud creak echoes inside of the room as the unwelcomed newcomer enters. One step, two steps, three steps. The guy in front of us sure knows how to walk fast. That's sarcasm. Just to be sure.

The silence was too loud so I decided to look up. But not at the stranger, oh no no no no no, but at Ink. But I guess he had more courage than I have because he was looking at the guy directly with that stupid confused face. Oh god... where is Dream..?

He must be thinking this:

Where am I?

Oh, who's that?

Why's Pei and I here? (wasn't it Perl? Peri?)

Where are we?

Oh crap! that's the creepy guy I'm supposed to protect Peri from!

That's what I could deduct from his expression and it wasn't hard.


I just want to scream a 'Oh so now you remember???' but I have to act like a two-year-old in front of people.

"Today's your birthday!!!" I'm gonna kill him.

A/N: this chapter takes place weeks after the previous one, and today's not Peri's birthday. Unless today is 25 Marsh.

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