Night mission.

542 44 29

Characters: Agent Peri, Palette, Dream, Ink, ???.

3rd pov:

For quite a while, Periwinkle had been surrounded by the darkness of the night and blinded by the light of the television's screen. The sun had set around two hours ago which define the amount of time she had passed in front of Inspector Gadget.

She finally got annoyed with it and turned off the TV, after having trouble reaching the remote under Palette's elbow. While the young teenager was told by his parents to watch over her, he had peacefully fallen asleep after watching the same nonsense again and again.

And now, she would normally go back to her temporary room and simply sleep on a nice and fluffy pillow as there was nothing to do in the little dark salon, however, she wasn't tired yet.

Periwinkle envied Palette for sleeping so deeply, the lack of bags under his eyes showed how he had a regular sleep schedule while she just couldn't keep an eye close.

The night in the Star's base was more silent than usual, Peri would nightly hear either a faint chirping sound of grasshoppers or a loud shrill droning noise from the cicadas. The only noise she could perceive was the flapping wings from the fireflies that she had cruelly captured in a jar the previous night.

She could count twenty-seven of them, all trying to escape the prison she made for all of these glowing insects. The child couldn't help it, they were shining a lot and were golden, she founds it more amazing to walk around the darkness of the base with the glowing jar instead of a lamp, it was more cool and original.

She let out a silent and deep gasp and escaped from her own prison, strictly made of pillows, stuffed animals, and fluffy blankets only. Of course, she would never forget her choco-pistachio snacks, she feared that Palette or anyone else would eat them, so she hid them in the small pocket of her onesie and close it with the small marguerite-shaped button. It looked adorable.

The bugs didn't lighten the room as much as she was expecting but they still did their job, she used the stairs, one by one, making sure to hold the railing for dear life, and reached her destination: the open corridor that either led to the great grand living room or the even more great-grand kitchen.

The child halted and thought for a moment.

The kitchen is not empty, the living room is, however, I want a drink...Maybe it's safer to sneak inside and get what I want. There should be a water pitcher or a bottle of juice on the lunch counter. At least I hope so...

The jar on the ground, the kitchen door silently slide open and close as if no one entered. Periwinkle made sure to crouch down, she could hear Dream and Ink whispering with some other dude she couldn't recognize. She crawled under the middle of the kitchen, where the high chairs and lunch counters were, and notice a bottle of juice resting above her.

She quickly conclude that she couldn't reach it with a size like hers and looked around for something to help. Too bad she couldn't use the chairs either.

But she remember that the kitchen is the place where you could find any odd object that could help in her situation, like a broom which is too visible, or the circular handle of the umbrella that is, unfortunately, hanging by the closest wall.

She raised her arm to where the umbrella was hanging and began mimicking Blue in a 'mentally' mocking tone. Why, you, why can't you be like the broom and be next to me? do you hate me that much? stupid umbrella privilege...

"Eh?" She gasped at the sudden sound her mouth made and at the umbrella that had fallen down on the hard ground of the kitchen, giving out a loud clap.

She swore the whole umbrella turned blue.

"What was that? God, it scared me!" yelled the one she couldn't recognize. It was a rough and deep voice, she wondered if the guy deliberately made his voice that gruff to sound like an asshole. But when the adults continued their discussion without caring about the fallen object, Periwinkle moved away from the chairs silently and crawled to catch it quickly.

She was way better than any spies, even more, if she's barely two.

Without a second thought, she used the circular part of the object and slowly pulled the juice over the edge, where she caught it the next moment it had fallen.

She escape the room and close the kitchen door, once again, as if nothing happened. Then was the time she sighed in relief.

She was holding a breath she didn't know she had. It was fascinating how she felt her soul..? throbbing when the guy yelled, she thought she got caught red handed! and how did the umbrella move on its own? she swore it turned blue for half a second, even if it happen too fast, she was sure of what she saw.

Maybe it was when I mocked Blue by raising my hands in an overdramatic way..? She thought about it and it made sense, like, a lot of sense actually. She turned to look over where she left the glowing jar, the eyes of twenty-seven bugs begging her to free them, and raised her hands at it.




She sighed and picked it up messily, not missing to make it fall with the juice all along, and start walking back to the stairs before the adults would leave the kitchen and find an adorable toddler in front of the door playing telekinesis...

Finally, it was a great mission accomplished, maybe she could become a spy in the future -- what a strange déjà vu... Oh, right. I "dreamed" about it.

She snorts to herself, which sounded like a childish giggle in a dark corridor that made it look like a haunted place, and began believing that, perhaps, she should continue this dream once she goes back to her pile of pillows and other fluffy stuff, she would appreciate that. The juice would better do its effect and give her the comfort to easily fall asleep, just like Palette.

Now to finish those snacks...

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