Before I reach the age of three...

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Characters: Periwinkle, Ink, Vil (mentioned), frogs/butterflies/nameless duck (mentioned)

1st pov:

"Woah Peri, you're extraordinary!— but what's the meaning behind those words and drawings?" I was fairly dubious to reveal the extent of awareness to Ink with this method of communication, but having a bunch of skeletons fooling around me thinking it would make me laugh was starting to embarrass me.

I wonder if Ink let it slip out of his head that, this one time, on the giant three, before he left me stuck there, he informed me he knew how 'different' and mature I was from the other children, however, I only see him acting all childishly around me. I was very disappointed.

Although I can believe that Ink can't understand my handwriting, he could at least guess that my drawings were nothing else but a demand for more books, other than what you normally give to a two years old child.

And it was certain, after days of living with the Star Sans, I have decided to let my mask slip I little bit, just so I could entertain myself other than watching television all day and waiting for the boys to come back.

After further examination, I was relieved to see that Ink understood what I wanted. He looked at me with the same smile as before, followed by unusual narrowed eyes. I would be lying if I say I didn't understand his thoughts, I could see it, he was mocking me, or at least, provokingly staring down at me.

"What you are showing me is a book. Do you want a book?" He asked slowly as I perceived his fingers tapping one by one on my paper. And as usual, I didn't answer but nodded, and somehow, he seemed oddly satisfied by that.

"Then, what kind of genre do you want to read?" His way of addressing me was unnervingly slowed down, I wasn't sure if he was trying to sound like a lullaby to make me drowsy or if he was using hypnotic methods, but either way, he needed to cut that out.

When my eyes came in contact with my solution, my finger simply followed what my brain was thinking and pointed toward a book posed on the table. I must admit that this one belongs to me, Dream and Blue found it in mine and Vil's house and I must admit, once again, that I badly hid it, however, the story was amazing and I needed more novels like this.

Ink's eyes laid on it for seconds, then minutes, I could see that he was trying to guess what kind of book it was. If I ignore his obvious skepticism about my sufficient knowledge to read such a long book, he was trying to remember the story, the genre, but mainly the context. He suspected the cover to have some hints, as it always does, and he was right: a lone flower on a wooden floor, seeming broken, with a striking title "It ends with us"

And now he surprisingly remembered. The cover of this book shows shattered lilies, which is significant to the story because the main character of this book is named Lily Bloom, and lilies were mentioned a lot of times in the story.

How he could remember such information was a mystery, and maybe a proof that the end of the world was near, but I couldn't help but smirk knowingly at the blush spreading on his face.

It could only mean one thing: he had read that book.

Oh, so you have read this Romance, Ink? I would have never guessed that you were this type of person...

If only he knew that I knew that he knew it was a sad heartbreaking romance book with very mature scenes, he might have ruined my plan of reading more of these books but at least, his reaction was worth it.

He stopped looking at it for a moment, hiding a visible blush on his cheeks, and came back to his senses. He stared at me with the same expression as before, his voice as malicious and slow, except his eyes betrayed his relaxed and vile composure, he was obviously very disturbed. "So you want books about plants, flowers, and fruits?"

I blink confusedly, plants, flowers, and fruits? What was I gonna do with a book like this? I mean, knowing varieties of plants and flowers could be useful if I'd try to cure or poison someone in the future, or maybe become a florist or a biologist. However, what's up with the fruits? The only thing I can learn from that would be physical and mental well-being... Which could still be useful.

I thought for a while about every possible thing a book like this could bring me, and finally, I nodded, accepting Ink's potential useful book.

Ink smiles in surprise and goes away, he comes back and showed me a great-sized book that would be around 200 pages. He stared at me and I stared back at him.

At the moment, I was kinda scared that it wouldn't be to my liking because it looked rather old, but maybe it was one of Ink's moments to give me something too complicated so I could start regretting not having accepted a child-like tale. "Well then, I have found the 'perfect' book for you, it's 'Illustrated botany containing a Floral dictionary, and a glossary of scientific terms'. Are you sure that you can understand something that a two-year-old child can't?" Asked Ink sternly.

I rolled my eyes and demanded the book with a hand sign.

Look at him looking all smug, he does it every time at everyone... Ink is known to be underestimating everything that he sees. But stay calm Peri, even if you hate it, you can get through this. One day he will have to learn not to underestimate people.

He's very nice and all, but how unnerving he can be sometimes, it's absurd...

I sighed and dragged the book with me, being quite heavy, I had no other choice. I installed myself away from anyone, I had the choice after all, the base was quite big.

There was a patio out of there, with a nice solid parquet, a small pool, and an opening into a large forest. It looked like where I lived, with Vil, and once again I could see how Ink didn't get very creative when he built our universe.

But I can't complain, it was still a beautiful scenery followed by a debut of a sunset, and it helped me feel at home.

Three things missing were my recently-discovered pet which I haven't named yet, the frogs and butterflies dancing and jumping around together, and the lazy Vil.

It's been a while since I've seen him, three days to be true. Dream and Ink barely mention him in any discussion, and whenever they do, it'd be just vague information.

I miss this old scum.


While reading the first pages of this long titled book, I came up with a list of things that I must absolutely accomplish before I reach the age of 3.

It's full of simple things, like reading and collecting a total of 50 books, being friends with Laeticia's daughter, creating tons of accidents in the daycare, harassing that boy who throws a burning lego at me once, etc. However, I came up with more complex ideas that I absolutely need to do and I can't stand by and do nothing when I am sure that I am perfectly capable of doing blue magic. I also want to see the limits of my visions: how far they can go and if I can also see the past. But besides all of that, I will have to write them down because some of them are really important or interesting.

I also want to get more clues about my parents, not that I believe that I will ever find them and live a happy and cozy life without worries, but having a little idea of who they are will definitely help me understand my identity.

What I already know is that one is a human, the other a monster which is obviously a skeleton, aka, a Sans.

In the name of God, I don't wanna be the outcome of a love relationship with a comedian and a dead/-_- child, it will break me...literally.

Regardless of what I'm currently feeling right now, I am now mostly determined to complete this list which all starts by finishing this book.

Without forgetting to hide that purple vial that I've finally stolen from Ink, after months of elaboration, I can't risk getting caught. I have already planned to keep this vial until I am old enough to have many open possibilities, like destroying it or using it. For now, I have to hide it.

Safely away from anyone.

But I can't add this to my list because it would most likely be a permanent task, a true burden... As long as I don't swallow that entire vial as that one animator-tiktoker did...

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