Laeticia, Karmen, and Patrick, the daycare attendants.

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The final title will be one step above everyone :)

Characters: Periwinkle, Laeticia, Karmen, the director (Patrick), the croco lady, the reptile monster, Dream, and the three troublemakers (mentioned)

1st pov:

-Now children, you take the dropper and put paint on it-- Peri, why are you crying again?


I look over the daycare attendant with tears soaking my eyes and face, yes I was crying again. I had too much in my mind and I can't put any will into making stupid art with other toddlers. When she came over to me with worries marked all over her face, she noticed that I ripped the paper that I was supposed to use to paint something for my "parents".

I don't have parents.

-Oh no, no, no, no, no, don't worry Lil Peri, we have other papers so you can give a beautiful gift to your parents, don't worry my little angel-- One of her colleagues interrupt to pull her away, out of the room, for a little while.

-(You do know that this child has no parents?? who do you think she'll offer them?) I heard the second woman whisper in a loud voice. The children may not pay attention to their discussion but I was.

She looks away concerned, I wonder what she'll say.

-Well, maybe an older brother or sister? an aunt or uncle? her grandparents?

Who's telling her?

-(Periwinkle is here since this morning Laeticia, no one picked her up at the end of the day, she's not even registered for the evening! this child is clearly abandoned)

Oh no, I know how this story will end, they'll call the police. and the director first.

I have myself no idea how I got here, I just woke up in a daycare with women and men taking care of children, including me. I thought all day that I was lost or abandoned, and I cried, a lot.

Because of all this, I couldn't eat or drink anything, and the people keep proposing to me food, some trying with a good bowl of warm rice while others tried sweets, thinking that I was just acting whimsically to have all the attention for myself.



Pathetic weaklings.

I loath this place to a point where I attempted to burn it two hours ago, and seeing those two adults gossiping while letting out some racist words about me made me regret not having used oils instead of paper.

Those humans were freaks, literally.

I was out of my train of thought when "Laeticia" came back with that same horrible and fake concern in her eyes. Now I've noticed but all she does was pitying me as if I was some homeless child, starving and dying.

She tends her arms around my ribs and lifts me up near her chest, I swore she almost saw my scowl. She smelt like raspberry, did she roll in these fruits all morning? It was so strong and ewish.

She walked out of the room while her colleague supervised the other children, and it was at this moment that I felt free from that bunch of droolers. Outside, in the corridor, I saw other adults discussing together, I recognized a monster attendant, he was a reptile with wings, like dragons, then we had the director that talked to me twice today, a human in his fortieth, waiting patiently for retirement, and the last one, a croco lady with fushia lipstick on her mouth.

All seemed old and experimented on their jobs, compared to those two racist humans going on their twentieth who are currently taking care of the children and the other calmly holding me.

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