Hungry day

841 63 26

Characters: Periwinkle, Vil (mentioned)

A/N: I've changed Peri's way to speak so it sounds more like a child, the same goes for the previous chapters. (r to w; h to ' ) because it's common for two years old children to mispronounce l, r, s, th, and z.

1st pov:

I stared baffled at the wall of the living room in front of me. The hole in it was making twice my size and some cracks were going around the big gap from everywhere. Some part of the second floor, which was the attic, collided this morning and I could literally see the outside with a bit of the dusty room from above me. I couldn't comprehend why would Vil get so angry to the point of punching the wall and leaving a colossal damage behind, it was weird because I was sure that yesterday nothing went wrong and he was rather happy and relax.

Of course, I wasn't there when he lashed out on that poor wall, I was only there when the ground from above collided in this room, that woke me up and I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Vil seemed to have locked himself in his room and I can't enter inside in any way. He closed every issue to make sure I don't penetrate inside. The main reason is why? I'd waited a few hours and it was almost lunch. I thought that knocking on his door to wake him up would be a good idea but no matter how hard I would knock (which wasn't that loud), he wouldn't answer and I was still being hungry.

Being a child sucked but being a child alone and hungry sucked even more.

What I had here was my guardian who won't leave his room for whatever reason. He decided that today was a no to take care of me so my mission today is to find food that is edible so I survive from this loneliness. I must be precise 'edible' because human food and monster food are too different. It tastes different and the looks are not the same.

Not believing me? Last month when we came back from Ccino with Blue and Dream, the coffee dude gave us a basket full of bottles. One LOOKS like a happy friendly bottle of juice for kids, and it SMELT like sweetness. Guess what? it was alcohol and the others were medicine for me.

I still don't know why I received medicine out of nowhere, the other said that it had something to do with me getting ill which is quite dangerous for a monster and a child of my age.

A new thing that I've learned is that when monsters get sick, it's not okay and you could easily die because most of the diseases are unknown and our souls are too fragile compared to human's.

Back to the matter, I need to find edible monster food.

From my everyday meal, I've figured that I was on a special diet given by Sci. My body doesn't have a full soul and I need special vitamins to contribute to my growth or else I dust. So I can't eat either fish or meat, can't swallow some fruit juice for allergy reasons, can't take too much sugar to prevent the sudden sugar literal crash, and can't use salt too so I don't lose too much calcium and weaken my bones.

I look away from the shattered wall and glance over the kitchen thoughtfully. If I want to eat, I need to find the exact ingredient that my body can support, which means that I don't have a lot of choices. I quit the living room, not bothered by the dust filling the air, and entered the kitchen. The room was not very big but for someone of my size, it was. The fridge was huge and I probably wouldn't even reach the handle to open it but at least the counters were reachable, I've already climbed them when I was below one year old and I did not stop since then.

But what can I reach from the counters? I thought to myself with a desperate frown and a sigh following. I couldn't do much with the stoves, the silk is just useless, the cupboard is not reachable and I only have this basket of orange and apples.

Yet, I'm allergic to oranges, apples, and bananas.

My eyes lights began peeking around the room to scan any possibilities for a solution to my problem but the more I looked, the more my hopes were going down. So it's settled then, I'm gonna starve until Vil wakes up and throw a tantrum at him.

(of course, I won't do that)

I quit the kitchen and began roaming around the house, wondering if I could manage to go to the backyard. This was probably the best area of the house, there were bees, flowers, puddles of mud, frogs, and other cool stuff that Ink created. And I know that Vil never locks the house so going outside is just a matter of knowing how to pull a sliding door.

I went back to the living room where the huge hole was and looked over the armchair, remembering that I needed to check if my books were still hidden behind the wall.

-Meh, 'e'll pwbably t'ink that t'ere awen't mine..., I look back at the outside and made my way to the sliding door, pushing it open. It was hard at first but when I hear a small click, the door was pushed rather suddenly, and it may or may not have collided with the wall which could potentially have created a crack.

I looked at the crack blankly and turned my skull back to the garden. It wouldn't have happened if Vil would have woken up and fed me.

He better hope that I don't start eating those pretty butterflies on those delicious-looking flowers.

Damn...I'm really are hungry...

Vil is pronounced Will by the way--

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