A Rough Morning

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Just a little background information. Your name is Y/n, your Mother's name is Cathrine (she is a witch) and your father's name is Jacob (he is a muggle). You always had a tough childhood as many children teased you for being a halfblood. You dont take it seriously and live your life. But you always wondered about Hogwarts. What its like how its like but your Mom was very secretive about her years at hogwarts as if she is trying to hide something.
*End of Note*

I was sleeping when I hear an unpleasant yell. It was my mother "Get up Y/N ". "5 more minutes" I replied. My mother got extremely angry and yelled "IF YOU DONT GET UP RIGHT NOW I WILL THROW ICE WATER AT YOU". I knew my mother wasn't joking around as she has already threw ice water at me before. So I got up and started to get ready. It was 31st August I would be leaving for Hogwarts tommorow. I was super exited and forgot all that happend this morning. Whenever I asked my mom about her experience with hogwarts she would always change the topic. I went downstairs for breakfast and I saw lucky charms cereal ( muggle cereal). Mother knew how much I hated muggle cereal. I asked her to give me Cheerie - Owls. But she said we ran out of it. So I ate my breakfast and wanted to go to my room to pack for tommorow. But as I started walking upstairs Mother called me from behind.


Hi guys This is the author. This is my very first fan fiction. So please ignore if any grammatical errors. I know this is a very short chapter but dont worry i am working on something and will post something really soon.


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