What Does He Know?

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As i finished the lullaby, he said "Wow i didnt knew you could sing so well. Even if I know you for such a short period of time i think we have special connection, dont you think"? Finally now i know that he also seems to notice the special connection between us too "Yeah even i feel the same way." *Yawns* both of us yawned at the same time. "I know i am tired but i dont want to get up from here, it is so comfortable you and me both are here together. I wish i could stay here forever, right here on your laps" I blushed so hard, i knew he didnt mean to say all this but he is way to tired to notice. We stayed in that position for a long time, to be honest i dont even remember how long we sat there before he said "i think we should head back to our dorms now" he sound pretty tired and relaxed. We both headed for our rooms. I was so tired that i fell asleep the moment my head touch the pillow.

*Draco's POV*

I know i heard something before talking to Y/N something mentioning my name. You know what, forget it I dont care, if I dont remember it, it must not be important.
I should probably go to sleep otherwise I would need another lullaby.

*End of POV*

It was morning and Pansy woke me up asking me for a hair brush she couldn't seem to find hers. I got up gave her my brush and started to get dressed. I had forgotten about everything that had happened yesterday. Millicent dragged me to the great hall for breakfast. Me, Pansy and Millicent were having breakfast "would like to hang out with us? We havent really hanged out that often." pansy asked out of the blue."Sure i havent got anything to do this afternoon" i replied "Sure, lets do it." said milli. After breakfast we all Splited to go to our respective classes. I had transfiguration, charms and herbology before lunch. we all sat together and had lunch and then went for a walk near the qudditch stadium. "So if you would get a chance of getting in the qudditch team which position would you choose, i would wanna be a chasser it sounds so fun." i spoke excitedly. "i am not into qudditch actually." Pansy replied. "Neither am I" Millie replied.

Guys just so you all wont get confused i am clearing it out Millie is the Short form of Millicent, Millicent Bulstrode, Y/N's friend.
*End of Note*

*Draco's POV*

Did she receive the letter i posted in her dorm room today about our potions homework. I hope she didnt forgot. I really liked spending time with her but i guess she doesn't have time for me. I told her to come to the Astronomy Tower after lunch to finish it but she isnt here.I dont think she is going to come. And what about last night, does she know i know?

*End of POV*

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