After all I Have Done for U?

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Me, Pansy and Millie were hanging around on the grounds when I felt someone staring at me. I looked around to see who it was when i saw my blonde friend, Draco Malfoy. I dont know why but he seemed furious. "I am so dissapointed in you." he said and ran off. I followed him. He was in the common room, like last night we were both alone. "What Happened, why are you so mad at me?" "Why am I mad at you? Dont you know already? He said seeming super mad. "I dont, actually if you would just tell me maybe we could sort it out." "Did you forgot about our potions homework?" "Omg! I am so sorry that I forgot. I was so distracted with everything that it might have slipped out of my mind. Lets get on work right now. Come on." "Huh! You didnt even care to read my letter then." "Which letter i dont know what you are talking about." i really think i messed up. How could i have forgotten about our project. It was the best thing that has happened to me since I am here. "Dont try to act all innocent. The letter i sent you this morning for you to meet up me in the astronomy tower to finish our homework." he said. "What letter, i wasnt in my dorm this whole day. Now before time runs out lets work on the potion quick." "You really think you I would make the potion with you after I was waiting for you and you didn't even cared to show up. Do it however you want, i am not doing it with you. He was about to leave when I said "Seriously you are just going to leave me like this after all that i have done for you?" He kept walking. "And here I thought we were friends."I said with tears in my eyes looking at him as he kept going and left the common room to his dorm. "It is all my fault" i screamed. Mom was right, I should have stayed away from you. I dont what i was thinking going against my mom for him. This is ridiculous. I wish i could relive that moment when we both were working on this project yesterday. I guess i have to work on it alone i guess.Soon afterwards, I finished my project and sat on the couch when..........

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