The Beginning of Year 2

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"Well.... I the thing is-". "Draco!" there was a yell from the living room that cut me off. It was Narcissa. "Coming mom." he said and ran off. *Sigh* I gave a sigh of relief and followed him downstairs. They were leaving. We bid them goodbye and I went back to my room.

*Time Skip*

We aboard the Hogwarts express. Me and Draco were back to normal now. We were laughing and talking like always. Nobody knew how we became friends and they didn't ask because they knew we weren't going to tell them. It was our first night in the castle and we were all in the common room talking. "How about we play a game?" Pansy asked. "Oh cmon Pansy you are so boring." Draco said. "Oh Draco dont be such a fun spoiler." I said. "How about we play a game of charades?" I suggested. "Can I joint to?" a cute guy said. "Sure" I said. "So what is your name." I asked the guy. Everyone started giving me teasing looks...well everyone except Draco he seemed pissed for some reason. "Mattheo" tbthe boy replied. "But you can call me Matt". So we were about to start with the game when two girls came up to us. "Excuse me, you are Y/N right?" a girl askes me. "Yeah I am, how do you know me?" I asked there are so many people wanting to play with us today. I guess it is a great start of a new year. "Well I heard a lot about you and your friendship with Harry Potter, well my sister here has a crush on him can you introduce us to him? Plaese she really wants to talk to him at least once." the girl said. Just thinking about harry gave me mixed feelings. What should I do should I listen to my mother and stay away from him or should I still talk to him. I mean its not his fault, I wanted to join him in that adventure. "Well...ok so what are your names?" I asked. "I am sorry we forgot to intoduce ourselves, my name is Daphne, Daphne Greengrass and this is my sister Astoria Greengrass." Daphne said. I just caught a glimpse of Draco staring at Astoria so I asked them to join us in our game and they said yes. So we satrted our game finally. There were two teams in team 1 were Draco, Greg, Astoria and me and in team 2 were Mattheo, Pansy, Vincent and Daphne. After the game I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. "Guys I am very tired I sorry, you all continue." I said and was about to leave. Draco knew how much I hated leaving some sort of party or something and others were still enjoying. I know I seem selfish but I cant help it. Thankfully Draco stopped me right before reaching the dorms. "Y/N please dont go our team depends on you. Please" he said and made his cute face. I cannot resist his cute face that is my weakness. So I sat back on the couch. I didnt even notice when I fell asleep on the couch. I only felt.......

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