Ep.1 Invitation

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Feeling so down and with a huge headache, I opened the door where a good-looking guy was standing. He threw me a little smile handing me two white letters. I lifted my heavy hand, took those letters, and closed the door saying absolutely nothing. Usually, I would wake up at 11 AM and watch movies or head to the studio, but now it's difficult.  It's 9 AM and I'm up. I walked to the kitchen and as I threw those letters on the table I took a glass and filled it with cold water.

" I should stop drinking that much. " As I mumbled, I took my painkillers and headed back to my room.

" Why can't they go out without me? Why do I have to drink that much? Life sucks. " Still mumbling I made my way back to my room.

" Estella!! " I shouted as loud as I could but nothing changed.  My lazy cat was still sleeping on my bed and the toilet paper in my room hadn't disappeared. I sighed taking the paper and throwing it into the garbage bin.

" Why can't you be normal?  I feed you and you still try to make my house a mess.  I promise I will leave you to my precious family and run away from you. " The cat opened one eye and still pretended to be sleeping.

She knows that nobody will love her more than I do. I knew that I shouldn't go back to bed so I did my morning routine and went back to the kitchen wondering who sand those letters and why. As usual, I played my favorite music and ate breakfast thinking that the letter could wait. My breakfast usually was just tea, but today I made a toast as well. I don't know why but today is a good day. Knowing that I won't be able to return early, I took the letter and started reading.

" Hey, cousss,

What's up? I haven't seen you in a while. It's pretty quiet in here since Tong Yao and Cheng got together they are no longer spending time with us, so it's been just the six of us. We're not complaining tho, though it's better without them than having them cuddling around like sweethearts.

You're probably wondering why I am writing you. Especially in English. Well since I haven't seen you for a year now, I would like you to visit us here. I know you would like that. You also know the language, so there's no problem for you. Everybody seems friendly, so you don't have to worry. I know how shy you are with new people around you. Chubby asked a lot of questions about you. I don't know if you would like to come, so I haven't told them anything yet.  Just imagine, we would let you stay in a room with a red door and you as well can take your cat with you, I know she wouldn't dare to eat Cheng's fish :)

Call me right after you read this. I can't wait to meet you again and introduce you to the team. 

Your bro, Ming <3 "

" Cute " I giggled after reading the letter from my dear cousin. I took my phone from my pocket, turned the internet on, and called my long-lost cousin. It didn't take long for him to pick up.

" Yoo, Vivi !! " He shouted with excitement.

" Yoo, Ming. No need to shout I'm not deaf " I laughed at him and heard his giggles too.

" So, you're coming? " He asked straightforwardly.

" Wow. No, how have you been or what have you done past this year while we were separated? Rude. "

" Okay. I'm sorry. But I really wanna know. "  As he was talking I turned my music volume on. " Hey, I'm talking to you! Is that Tomorrow by Together? "

" Yes, it is. But since you don't care I'm hanging up. Bye Mingooo"

" Vivian, don't you dare. I promise I'll ask! " He begged and it melted my heart immediately.

" I'm listening.  By the way, your English got better. "

" OK. Thank you. So as I said I would like you to come. If you haven't seen there's a ticket as well. " As he finished his sentence I took a look at that ticket.

" Hmmm. To Hongkong, China. Tomorrow at 9 PM Do you have a death wish?! Tomorrow?  "

" The earlier the better.''

'' Wait. " I put my phone aside and started dancing. As the part finished I took my phone back to my ear.

" You know, you suck. " Ming talked harshly, but it was funny at the moment.

" Ok. I'll come, my dear cousin. " I smirked to myself.

" Really?! Thank you, Jesus!!! "

Make It Right ( From series &quot; Falling Into Your Smile &quot;) [ Lao K FF ]Where stories live. Discover now