Ep.13 Gone

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I sat next to K who now had his hands pulling his hair. He was in a state which I have never seen before. I took his left arm softly pulling it out of his hair as he looked up at me with teary eyes making my heart break into thousands of pieces. He was looking at me with sad eyes before I pulled him into a tight hug. I felt my shoulder getting wet as a sob left his lips making a tear roll down my cheek.

" Shh, it's okay. Everything's going to be alright. I promise. " I smiled as he pulled away leaving the living room.

At this moment I wanted to be alone for a moment. I had so many things running through my mind and it was scaring me. I made my way to the main door before grabbing my car keys and Ming's jacket which was lying near the closet. I reached my car and made my way out of this situation by driving to the nearest bar. I parked my car in the parking lot and made my way to the bar. I was standing there for a moment, but when I understood that drinking won't solve the problems that I have, I made my way to the river. The wind was messing up my hair as I was walking by the river.

How could I mess up like that? Why does everything in my life go wrong? Did I fall in love with a person which I hated? Is it even possible? I mean I didn't feel hate toward him I just disliked his personality and actions toward me. Was K right in saying that I am pathetic? I put my hands on my face rubbing it hard. Tears of frustration were rolling down my cheeks and hitting the road I was walking on. Why did he go away like that? Am I even able to be loved?

I felt my legs getting weak as my body fell on the cold grass. I sat bringing my knees to my chest sobbing silently giving no damn about people walking past me. I wasn't the type to break down, but today was an exception. I pair of black boots stopped in front of me making me look up at a person and immediately stand up to prepare for a good running session.

" Jacob. " I gasped as I turned to run, but he was fast enough to grab my wrist and put a smelly material onto my face covering my mouth and nose.

" Hey there, darling." I struggled to get away from his grip, but it was no use. My heartfelt heavy, where are those people who were walking by a few minutes ago? I started to lose consciousness as I felt him taking my body into his arms before I saw black.

5 hours later...

Lao K's point of view...

" What's for dinner? " Pang asked as we entered the kitchen.

" Rui ordered pizza since we're too lazy to cook something. " Ming shrugged as he made his way to the fridge taking out a can of coke.

" Guys! I think you should see this! " Cheng shouted from the living room. We all rushed to the living room watching the news with horror.

" Today the police got a video from a witness who unfortunately had to see a huge crime. The man in the video approached a woman and drugged her before taking her into a black KIA car. The numbers of the car were taken off witnessing that the car was stolen. Police could find out the woman's identity. To the whole world's surprise, it was non-other than well know 25-year-old American neurosurgeon Vivian Adams who was transferred to Hong Kong, China 5 months ago." Ming dropped the can of coke he was holding a few minutes ago. His hands started shaking as he tried to pull his phone out of his pocket. He put his phone to his right ear and a few seconds later he threw the phone to the wall startling all of us.

" This is all my fault. I couldn't protect her. " Ming's body dropped to the floor as he yelled in frustration. I couldn't stop wondering how could that happen. And seeing Ming like that wasn't helping at all. Why did she leave the house?

" No, Ming. That's not your fault. " Tong Yao sat in front of him also crying.

I couldn't just sit here and do nothing like I don't care. I couldn't let him have her and do with her whatever he wants. No, I can't let that happen. I took my jacket and car keys before storming out of the house followed by Cat's shouts and his heavy steps. I was already standing by the car when his hand took my shoulder and made me turn to his side.

" Where are you going?" Cat asked while panting.

" I have to find her. " I looked him in the eyes.

" Come inside, we need a plan. " Cat started dragging me into the house but I refused to go.

" No. You don't understand. I Have to find her. Right now. At this moment. " I took my arm out of his grip as he looked at me for a few seconds.

" You love her, don't you? " Cat carefully asked as I shut my eyes. Do I? Do I love her? But if not then why am I so desperate to find her? I gulped hard not knowing the answer.

" Come on. I'll help you. " Cat sat in a passenger's seat waiting for me to get into the car.

We needed more information about the whole kidnapping thing so we head to the police station. The car ride was silent. None of us wanted to talk about random stuff at this time. This whole situation was scaring me and making a fool out of me. How could it even happen? Who the hell could mess up with her like that? All those thoughts were driving me crazy.

Make It Right ( From series " Falling Into Your Smile ") [ Lao K FF ]Where stories live. Discover now