Ep.12 Girlfriend

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We woke up after 7 and started packing. The bus was already here so we had to hurry up. Flashbacks from last night weren't leaving my mind the whole night and that was so frustrating.

" Are you guys ready? We should get going. " Rui announced and we all entered the bus. As always Lu Yue sat next to me making jokes that made no sense and were annoying as hell.

" Lu Yue! " I shouted. All eyes now were on the two of us. " Can you please shut up? I had a very tiring night. " I asked him nicely. He nodded and snuggled into his chair because of embarrassment. I knew that I did wrong, so I put my head on his left shoulder and mumbled a soft 'sorry'.

The bus stopped in front of the house and all of us one by one left the bus. I stood up after Lu Yue went out and reached for my bag, but someone was faster than me and took it for me. I turned around and bumped into K's chest.

" I'm sorry. " I blushed a little and stepped back as he handed me my bag. " Thank you. " I took the bag from his hands.

" No problem. " He turned to the side and started walking, I just followed him outside. Unheard voices were coming from outside and suddenly K stopped walking. I looked up at him as he turned his hands into fists and his knuckles turned white.

" Lao K " I peeked from K's shoulder to see two middle-aged people. Are they perhaps his parents?

" What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stop bothering me? Why do you always come here when I come back from a trip? You're so unbelievable. " K dropped his bag and ran away. I was confused for a moment but after a few seconds, I as well dropped my bag on the cold floor and ran after him.

" COME HERE YOU, BRAT! " The man shouted making my blood boil, but I was chasing K and couldn't talk to them properly.

" K! Wait up! " I shouted, but he didn't listen. I tried my best to reach him, but that punk was fast.

" Lao K! " I screamed this time and he finally stopped. I reached the guy who now was panting hard.

" Are you okay? " I placed my hand on his back as he turned around and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back saying some calm words and rubbing his back. It wasn't like him to be in this condition so I was scared.

" It's alright. We should get back and talk to them. " I suggested. He backed away and took my wrist heading back to the house.

As we entered the house all of them were sitting in the living room. K's father looked mad. I still have no idea how could he be angry at his son for no reason. Is he related to my parents? Because they have the same attitude towards their eldest children.

" You better tell me what the hell you want and get out of here. " K talked harshly. Wow. I never dare to talk to my father like that. He must be brave.

" How dare you, rude brat? " His father stood up and was followed by his wife who stood up after him.

" Did we raise you to be this kind of a child to your parents? " His mom spoke for the first time. She's at fault that her son became rude to them if he's acting that way. What is their problem? I looked at those people with a glare because it reminded me of my parents who were just like that.

" Don't glare at people who are older than you like that, young lady. " His mom was looking at me now.

" They said ' judge silently' so that's what I'm doing. " I said, but I couldn't tell her how horrible she is to her son because K pushed me behind his back. Why would he do that?

" Don't pick on her because you're hungry for drama. I'm tired of giving you the money I was hard working for. So you better get out. " K looked straight his mother in the eyes. There was something in their eyes that I couldn't understand.

" Your brother just got married. Don't you think that he needs a good home for his family?" His father stepped into the conversation as everybody except us four left the room. Ming tried to drag me with them, but I refused.

" Don't you think that I as well need a good house for me and my family? " K scoffed and looked away still holding me by my wrist to calm down a little.

" You? Do you even have a person who is in your life to be a part of it? Don't be dramatic. Nobody wants you to enter their life. Just look at yourself. " His mother made a disgusted look on her face and I couldn't stop my anger anymore. As I was about to speak K immediately made me shut my mouth up.

" I do have a person who LOVES to be a part of my life, so you better step out of your dreamland," K spoke again.

" You're probably that lonely that you imagine stuff. " His mom laughed. This woman needs some lessons for parents who don't know how to behave with their children.

" Why would I imagine things when my girlfriend is standing right in front of you? " K made me step a bit forward to stand next to him.

" She is your girlfriend? Tell me that this is a joke. " His father now was confused and scared.

" Why? Is it that hard for me to get a girlfriend? " K looked at his parents when he raised an eyebrow.

" She's a doctor. " His mother was a bit surprised when she finally recognized my face.

" I would like you to leave now. K has already told you that he doesn't want to see you. I would be glad if you leave in the next few minutes. " I smiled at them as they just glared at us and left the house.

How rude of them to come into the house where their child lives with his friends asking for money. That's embarrassing. I heard K sigh before sitting on the couch and placing his hands on his face.

Make It Right ( From series " Falling Into Your Smile ") [ Lao K FF ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat