Ep.16 She was there

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K's point of view...

We arrived at our destination. The old factory with wooden planks covering its windows. Ming's condition wasn't in the best state, so we made the plan while driving. Lu Yue and Mao will be the ones going into the building while I and Ming will stay outside covering the way out, so the kidnapper won't run away. Ming was in no way agreeing to our plan, but after a good conversation, he understood. Vivian couldn't see him in this condition it would break her heart and watching her fallen face would break mine too. Cat and Lu Yue already went inside leaving us outside. Ming was rubbing his hands while his eyes were roaming around the place.

" I'm sure that it's going to be okay. " I tapped his shoulder, but deep inside I had a strange feeling which was stabbing my heart.

" You don't understand, do you? He's a psychopath. Nobody knows what's going on inside his head. " Ming's breathing was shaking and now it was hard to believe that everything was going to be as I planned. We were standing there in silence when our attention got caught by a loud voice making us look up at what was going on on the rooftop.

" Disease is not an excuse in this kind of situation! You knew that you could treat it! I fucking told you to meet those doctors and take your medications, but you never listen!" The view on the rooftop made my eyes widen and my heart raise at a speed of a sound.

Seeing Vivian standing on the edge of the rooftop yelling at someone and stepping back was unlocking the strange feeling in my whole body. It was fear. Fear of losing someone you love. Fear was written on Ming's face as well. We stood there like two idiots watching the scene with horror. Where the hell are those two fuckers?! I could do nothing at this moment and it was eating me alive. Ming was ready to shout, but I stopped him and I knew that I was going to regret this later.

" By shouting you will scare her and she will fall or she will get distracted, and then he will get her. " I told him my thoughts when I wanted to shout that it was a stupid idea.

She was intensely telling him something still backing away. Her feet were halfway out that in every upcoming second she will fall. Ming was so impatient with this situation that he pushed me out of the way and ran into the building. My eyes were focused on Vivian's body and all I could do is to pray that the guys will come at the time and nothing bad will happen to her. I heard Vivian saying " No " I looked up again seeing her body falling on the cold road, hitting her body hard.

" VIVIAN! " I screamed out running to her lying body as fast as possible.

I kneeled in front of her taking her head into my hands. She was bleeding from the head making me take off my jacket and place it on the scar from where the blood was flowing. My eyes got teary only by seeing her lifeless body in my arms. She wasn't moving at all. Her chest was moving up and down slowly, slower than it should be. Cat made his way towards us taking his cell phone out of his pocket and calling the ambulance.

" Don't leave me. Don't let me suffer like that. " I whispered to her more like to myself.

My tears started falling down my cheeks for the first time in years. The thought of losing somebody is unbearable and this fear now was eating me alive all I could do now was just wait and sob hard from my whole heart. She was there when I was lonely. She was there when I said harsh words to her. She was there when I needed help. She was suffering from her mom's death, but she was there. She forgot all of her problems in front of us and cried while being alone. She missed home but showed us her happy face. She was unhappy, but she was there. Who's going to be there if she's going to leave?

" No. NO!! " Ming's voice was shaking and his whole body showed his uneasiness. Ming fell next to her lying body touching her hair softly.

Lu Yue was standing afar holding the man into his arms and Cat went his way to help. The police sirens were heard now. Policemen were coming out of their cars and heading our way. Ming was crying loudly while rubbing Vivian's hand softly. The ambulance arrived a few seconds later. Ming was the one who insisted to go with Vivian into the ambulance's car while we took my car. My whole body was trembling in fear and coldness. I wasn't cold of weather I was cold of my thoughts. It was scaring me like never before. I was gripping the steering wheel while driving fast completely creeping the other two guys out. I wasn't myself and I'm pretty sure that nobody would be.

We reached the hospital sooner than the ambulance did. We waited for the van to come and headed inside with Ming and the paramedics who were scared for her life. By the looks on their faces, I could tell that it was not good. We were in Vivian's workplace waiting for one of the doctors to come. I hated the smell of hospitals and I had no idea how could she can work in this place.

" We can't run tests now! Prepare for surgery in the second OR. Call Dr. Lu and Dr. Yang. The internal bleeding in her abdomen has started a few hours ago. We can't wait any longer! " The nurse laid out. Ming was pushing Vivian's bed having no intention of stopping what he was doing, but the same nurse stopped him.

" I'm sorry, but you can't go any further. Wait in the waiting room. We will tell you the news as soon as we will be finished. " The nurse closed the door leaving us in a complete mess.

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