chapter 11

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Simons POV.

"did you send one of your goons to poison Wilhelm? You little bastard." Simon shouted at Gustav

"what do you mean" replied Gustav, with a confused look

"Oh cut the crap you know what I mean! He has black curly hair, brown eyes, about 5'4 and he looks like you." explained Simon

"Oh... You mean my brother... Victor. I didn't know he could go that far, truly I am sorry for what I did to Wilhelm and I appologize for what my brother did to him as well." said Gustav

"Oh shut up." replied Simon

Simon returned home.

A car was waiting for him, a special car.

"The Queen would like to meet you" the driver says to Simon

"Mama! Puedo ir?" Simon asked him Mom
(Mom! Can I go?)

His mom was hesitant but she knew Simon would call her if anything was wrong, so she let him go.

Next scene

back to Wilhelm's POV.

As always I was sitting on my bed with my LED lights hanging around my body. Mother let me come home for a week to recover. The odd thing was that she was going to let me return to Hillerska. I was excited but suspicious. Simon checked in on me every minute, I'm so thankful to have him.

Mother comes knocking on my door. "Wilhelm, there is someone waiting for you downstairs!" she says in excitement.

Please don't tell me it's another girl she wants me to "date". I think to myself

I quickly put on a shirt and head downstairs.

This time I don't hear a girls voice. This time it's a boys voice.

It's Simons voice....

I get down to the foyer and I look at my mother in confusion.

"Both of you, please come sit." says my mother

We start to head over to the lounge area.

"Uh how do I start this..." says my mother
"Well you see, I think you should be with Simon. I'm sorry but you are going to have to break up with Vera."

Little does mother know.

Me and Simon exchange a confused smile.

"I heard how he saved you when you got poisoned, how he talks so nice to you, how much he cares about you and how much he loves you. I'm so very sorry my son, I'm so sorry for acting like I cared more about my reputation than you, I'm so sorry for letting you down. I'm so sorry for everything my love." Mother says looking at me.

"Thank you so much mother" I replied

I pinched myself to make sure it wasn't a dream. I wasn't dreaming. This was reality.

"If you boys are okay with it, I scheduled a Interview with Bosco for you, Wilhelm, to... how do you say it... "Come out", you are also going to be in the interview as well, Simon. That's if you would like to." My mother smiled

"Simon, I would love to meet your Mother and Sister if you guys would like." I could tell she was trying her hardest to not mess up

She was so proud of herself and so was I.

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