chapter 16

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I was pacing around the room outside of the interview room. Simon was sitting on the chair watching me pace. Eventually he got annoyed that I wouldn't stop pacing.

"Come here amor. What's up?" He gently grabbed my arm

"I'm so nervous. I want to do this of course I'm just really nervous. Very nervous."

"Come here." He pulled me closer and I gave him a kiss

"It's okay thought, because I'll be able to have you, my love" I smiled and gave him another small kiss

He stood up to give me a hug, one of our penguin hugs.

"Wilhelm, Simon! It's time!" Shouted Bosco

"Let's do this" I grabbed Simons hand and we headed to the Interview room and we both sat down next to each other

Bosco was standing behind the cameras and the young woman interviewing us sat in a chair in front of me and Simme.

"My name is Nina" she shook both our hands

"Whenever you are ready" she said

I looked at Simon then at the woman "I'm ready"

"I am here today with Prince Wilhelm, duke of varmland and Simon Eriksson to discuss their relationship" Nina said looking at the camera

She turned her head towards the two of us and looked at me. "So there are some rumors that you and Simon are more than friends, would you like to speak on that?"

"Yes...." I looked at Simon with a smile "he is my boyfriend. I lied about it being me in the video."

"May I ask, why did you lie?" She questioned

"I was embarrassed to be gay, but once I saw how Simon didn't let who he was define him I knew I couldn't let it define me either. I love this man with all my heart and he shall no longer be my secret." I explained to her and the camera

"How did you guys meet? Simon?" She continued

"Well we first saw each other when I sang when Wilhelm first came to school but we became closer during rowing practice and at other events"

"You are quite the charmer huh?"

Simon smiled

"Anything else you boys would like to say?" She said

"I am going to be taking Simon to the Cupid's Ball for school on Valentine's Day! We went tuxedo shopping yesterday as well." I replied

"I would like to add something!" Simon added "Being gay is not something to be ashamed about. Talk to so,some you trust if you are struggling with theses feelings. Know that me and Wilhelm will always support you."

"Yes, always" I smiled to Simme and the camera

"That was very thoughtful Simon." Nina smiled "thank you both for your time"


After everyone left

"So how was I!?" Simon shouted

"You were AMAZING love."

I sighed, too loud I guess. Simon heard me.

"What is it amor? Do u regret the interview?" He said worried for me, thankfully he wasn't mad

"No no no I don't regret that. It's probably one of the best things I've ever done. I'm just worried of how people are going to react." I told him

I know what will cheer you up. Simon put on some music "ladyfingers" by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass, it's our song.

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