chapter 18

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it's been a week since the dance and everyone has officially labeled simon and wilhelm as the cutest couple at school

I was sitting in the lounge room doing some research on a sience project when I heard some foot steps but I ignored my them because I figured it was someone just waking the halls or coming into the lounge room (Simon is at the restroom at this time and his things are next to Wilhelm).

"ahem" coughs someone to get my attention

I look up to see someone I was not expecting to ever see again

"what are you doing here?" asked Malin in a calm but serious tone

"I-" he starts and hesitates

I got up in a jump and ran to the restroom to find Simon mean while I was starting to have a panick attack

"you know you aren't supposed to be here." I hear Malin's voice muffle as i'm running away

I ran past Simon and I didn't even notice him turn around after me

I open the restroom door and let it close on Simon becuse I didn't know he was behind me

"hey hey hey!" Simon opens the door back up and grabs my arm "is everything okay?"

"No! Everything is not okay!" I say with a knot in my throat and tears in my eyes "... August... August is here." Im rubbing my chest and struggling to breathe

"hey, look at me. remember what we practiced?  The 54321 method? Let's try that." Simon holds my hands and puts on a smile

I let out a quiet "okay"

"now let's see." Simon starts "what are five things you can see?"

"I can see..." I take a deep breathe "the bathroom sinks, my shoes, the bathroom door, the floor and my boyfriends pretty hair" I start to calm down a little bit

"My hair is gorgeous right?! Anyways, onto the next item. What are 4 things u can feel?" He says still holding my hands

"I can feel my socks on my feet, the warmth of my jacket, the hair on my forehead and your warm hands"

"now, 3 things you can hear, you're doing an awesome job by the way!"

"I can hear Malin yelling at August, the heaters and your voice" I let out a smile

"almost there! what are 2 things you can smell?"

"I can smell the bathroom soap and your wonderful cologne"

"I spent big bucks on this cologne it better smell good!"

I let out a laugh

"glad to see your laugh! now for the last one, what is one thing you can taste?" Simon asked me

"hmmm..." I smiled at him and let our lips collide "I can taste the your sweet lips."

Simon kissed me back

"I love you" I told him

"Love you more." he replied "now do you think your ready to go outside?"

"yeah I think I am, thank you"

"always" Simon opened the door and we headed back to the lounge room hand in hand and we soon entered the room

"i'm sorry Wilhelm, he refused to leave" Malin says

"I... I" Simon squeezes my hand to let me know it's okay "I don't think you should be here."
I continue

"please I just want to talk." August whines

"I don't need your silly excuses and to why you outed me. Go. Now!" I started to raise my voice

August stood there for a few seconds "i'm sorry" he said and then proceeded to head out the door

"bullshit" Simon says under his breathe "anyways... I'm proud of you for standing up to him." He hugs me

"that was badass." Felice smiled and stepped out of the corner where she was observing everything

"thanks" I sighed

"what's wrong?" Simon looked at me with a worried look as did Felice

"I don't know, part of me just misses him, even though i've never liked him." I tell them both

"Come here" Simon opens his arms and I lean in to hug him and Felice patted my back

"thanks guys" I step back

"i've got to go to see Sara, I just had to see you put August in his place, Bye now!" Felice waves goodbye and heads away

"say hi for me!" Simon yells


I put my arms around Simons neck "How would you like come to my house?" Simon asks

"how could I say no to that, it's like a wonderland over there." I replie

We both lean in to kiss, I hesitate while he leans in "come on, let's go!" I grab his hand

"you sneaky little witch!" He grabs my hand and laughs

So sorry for not publishing anything, I was unsure of how I wanted to continue the story, I hope this chapter made up for it!

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