chapter 13

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Letter to....

Im still in shock about what mother told me. I feel so bad for her. I will never forget what she did to me but I forgive her. Anyways. It's nice to be able to talk to her about me and Simon now without being scared to get in trouble!

Valentine's day is in a little less than a month and there is going to be a valentine's day dance. I'm going to ask Simon! I'm so excited and nervous at the same time!

Vera and Madison are officially an item now!? They are like the best couple besides me and Simon of course.

Back to the valentine's day dance. I'm thinking of something very romantic. I think i'm going to ask Simon to the dance at the window where we had our first kiss, at night. It's going to be the classic flower petal path right to me, but instead of roses it's going to be loads of lavender and "forget me nots". His favorite smell along with his favorite flower.

I was imagining all the different ways to ask him but something big yet simple would probably be the best. Simon tells me he doesn't like a whole lot of attention on him so even though I love him and want to show him off, i'm going to respect his boundaries so there is only going to be a few of our special friends hiding around the corner, watching or guiding him to me. We are working our way to have him more comfortable with more attention on him because well... he is dating the prince... and you know the rest.

Have I told you how comfortable his hoodie is?! I literally wear it everyday and he wears mine everyday as well.

Well I hope you are doing well. I miss you so much Erik.


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