chapter 15

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Luckily Gustav and Victor are no longer a problem to me or Simon. I saw them with their bags, they were moving out of the dorms. There are loads of rumors going around on why they left like they were expelled because they got caught selling drugs and shit. The real reason they were expelled was because my mother didn't want them near me and the queen gets what she wants. Our mother x son relationship has been repairing pretty well.


*knock knock* "it's me Simon!"

I opened my dorm room door and there was Simon with a huge smile. He proceeded to walk into my room and sat on my bed.

"Love. I have really bad news." Said Simon with his head in both his hands

"What is it? Are you okay?" I replied in a worried tone

"I have nothing to wear to the ball!" Simme said, with his head in his hands

"You scared me! I thought someone died or something!"

Simon looked up at me like he was gonna cry, he was so worried about what to wear.

"Hey hey it's okay I'll help you! How about I pick you up at your house tomorrow (Saturday) and I'll take you to the store and help you pick something out? That sound okay?" I reassured him everything was going to be okay

"That sounds good, thanks my love" he gave me a hug

My love was pretty much our thing now and swaddling around in a circle when we hug like penguins.

"Anytime, love" I kissed him on the forehead

After a few minutes of just hugging Malin nocked on the door and let me know it was time for dinner. Me and Simon walked down to the front of the school and I gave him the biggest hug. A hug where you squeeze really tight and twist, like when you were younger and you hugged your best friend and you pick them up, squeeze really hard and twist and turn.

"Bye, love you! See you tomorrow!" I told him as he started walking away

He turned around, started walking backwards and yelled "I love you too! Bye!"

I headed in for dinner, tonight's meal was spaghetti, garlic bread and a choice of salad or mashed potatoes. I sneaked a bit of both salad and mashed potatoes on my plate. Nobody really does anything if you do that, honestly it's kinda encouraged by the cook but the head master doesn't like it for some reason. Headmaster isn't the one eating the food, cooking the food and it doesn't cost any more so I really don't get it but whatever.

The next day

I picked up some flowers at a local supermarket on the way to Simons house to give to his mother. Simme mentioned one time that she is a sucker for roses so of course I picked up some roses.

I knocked on Simons door, his mother answered.

"Wilhelm's here! Simon!" She shouted

"Here ma'am these are for you!" I handed her the roses

"Thank you so much Wilhelm, you know you can call me Linda right?" She laughed

I gave her a quick nod and Simon came out the door.

"You boys have fun, and be safe!" Linda said to us both

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