chapter 17

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It has been a few boring days but today is the Cupid's ball.

*knock knock*
"it's me, your favorite person ever!!!" Said Simon

"Billie Eilish?" I said jokingly as I opened the door "i'm just kidding, come here!"

Simon walked into my arms

He had his suit on just like me

"You are so handsome" I hugged him tight

"thanks amor" Simon said with a smile and gave me a kiss then stepped back and looked me up and down "you are so so so gorgeous Wille."

"we are gonna be the hottest gays at this ball. Now let's go!" I grabbed his hand and ran to the manor house where the ball was being hosted

we walked into the door, hand in hand. everyone got silent. oh no no no.

"WOOO HOOO!" said Vera breaking the silence and everyone quickly started dancing again

The two of us headed over to her while Malin walked to a chair to keep her distance. Vera, Madison along with Stella and Fredrika were smiling and waving at us.

"that was awkward...." I announced "thanks for breaking the silence"

"you guys are like the cutest couple here, i'm jealous." said Stella

"Thank You Stella" me and Simon said in unison

"i'm gonna go grab some punch!" I headed over to the punch table and poured some in a red plastic cup

"here you go love!" I said handing the red solo cup to Simme "ew holy what ew ew don't drink this. It smells like shit." i grabbed the cup out of Simons hand and ran to throw the cups in the trash. When I ran back I hugged Simon from behind and a slow song started playing. We both looked at each other.

"may I have this dance prince Wilhelm?" Simon said with a smile

we headed to the middle of the dance floor, hand in hand giggling in excitement.

your mine started to play in the background

My right hand was on Simmes waist and his right hand was on my back. We were holding hands with our lefts.

I was lipsinging to the song while me and Simon danced

"you are too funny." said Simon

"I don't really know how to say this but...." I started, putting my head down a bit over his shoulder "thank you for this second chance." I continued

"of course, everyone deserves a second chance. I love you too much to let you go, now don't get sappy on me." Simme replied in a soft tone

"I would like to also thank you for giving me time to figure myself out, I don't know where I would be without you. I love you too."

By the time we were done talking and I was done saying sorry for the millionth time, we lifted our heads to look at eachother an face to face and everyone was around us in a circle watching us dance. Nobody was laughing or anything. Just smiling and pure happiness.

I gave Simon a kiss.

"YEAH!!!" someone shouted

"WOOHOO!!!" another person screamed

We just looked at eachother and laughed as the song was coming to and end. "come on, follow me." I grabbed Simons hand and started slowly running. We ran to the lake where we went on a walk after Simon rescued me from the football field.

"The water is very cold today..." Simon said in a sweet tone

All of a sudden I started crying out of no where and I lowered my head.

"Wille? Wille what is it?" Simon asked me worriedly "are you okay"

"I miss him. I miss Erik. I'm sorry this is so random." I said hugging Simon

"no no no it's okay. Grief has no deadline." He said holding me as we were sitting on a bench. Simon picked up my head and gave me a kiss "come with me, I have an idea"

I grabbed his hand, I was unsure of where we were going or what we were doing but I trust him so I followed him.

"What were Erik's favorite flowers?" He asked me

"He was a sucker for a mix of carnations, white roses and baby's breathe. Why do you ask?" We were heading towards a the small town right by Hillerska

"Stop asking so many questions now lets go." Simon grabbed my arm and we headed into a flower shop. He picked up some coronations, white roses and baby's breathe exactly like Eriks favorite flowers.

I opened my mouth to start talking and ask him why he got Eriks favorite flowers but I figured just to keep quiet. On the way back to Hillerska we stopped at a McDonalds and got some fries because we were hungry.

"Ready to know what these flowers are for?" Simon asked me

"Yes please" I answered

"Okay here grab a bit of each flower and you can do what you want with it, pick off the petals, lay them in the lake or whatever please you. Basically this is a way to say goodbye I guess? I thought it would be nice, you could say a few words too!" Simon held out some flowers

I started crying and gave him the biggest hug. What did I do to deserve this man I thought to myself. I let go and gave him a kiss and said "lets do this" and grabbed some flowers. I picked the petals off of each flower as Simon suggested. I was thinking of what I could possibly say. "Thank you for making me into the man I am today, I wish we could've been closer for longer. I love you and miss you so much" I blew the petals into the air and stood there for a moment in silence.  I grabbed Simons hand and leaned onto his shoulder. "Thank you so much for this. I love you and I know Erik would have loved you too."

"Of course amor. I'm here for you, a shoulder to lean and cry on, arms to fall into and a pair of ears to listen to you and your beautiful voice; Im so beyond proud of you." Simon said with a smile

I'm sorry if this chapter seems small especially on the topic of the ball I just wanted to talk about how Wilhelm never really got a chance to grieve. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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