chapter 12

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Simon left shortly after my mother talked with us.

I noticed she got a bit emotional when she was talking, I'm going to ask her about it.

"Hey mother, I just want to thank you for what you did in there."

"Of course my son, I'm sorry for not being supportive before."

"I do have to ask though, I saw you getting emotional. Why?"

"Because I'm proud of my son and I love him!"

I sensed that wasn't all, she was avoiding eye contact with me.

"Are you sure that's all mother?"

She took a deep breathe.

"Are you okay? Come sit." I told her

After a few seconds of silence she came to sit down on the sofa.

She looked at the floor and then at me and finally said something.

"When I was your age, I had a crush on my best friend. Her name was Natalie. I told my mother about my feelings for her, I didn't know those feelings weren't common to have for a person of the same gender. My mother was disappointed in me. I was broken, I didn't know what to do."

I looked at her, my eyes were watering as was hers.

"I cared for my friend too much so I ignored my mother. I confessed my feelings for to my friend. She didn't feel that way for me and she was disgusted. She called me words I will never repeat. One day as I came home I was greeted with a slap to my face and was harassed by my own mother. She said I was a disgrace to the family and I ran to my room and cried. An hour later she called me downstairs and introduced me to a man. The man's name was Ludvig. Your father. I was forced to marry him and was taught that loving someone of the same gender was wrong. I wanted someone to feel how I felt so I treated you like my mother treated me. I realized what I was doing was wrong and you deserved to live the life I should've had. I know it's no excuse for what I did and how I treated you. I'm truly sorry my son." She cried

I felt so bad for her.

She couldn't even look me in the eye, she was so ashamed.

"Oh mother. I will always love you" I hugged her so tight

It was like a whole weight was lifted off both our shoulders.

Sorry for the short chapter! A bit of a plot twist huh!? Did you guys enjoy this chapter?

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