Chapter n°5

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"Ada, I can't remember all this." Chenle groans and wiggles on his chair. It has been an hour since they started the study session which went well and quietly until now. Adalene sighs and leans back on the chair.
"Why don't you take a walk around the library or something before we continue." She suggests to the younger who rolls his eyes and leans his forehead on the book laying in front of him.
"Chenle, you have to study or you fail." Renjun lifts his head to look at the orange haired boy. Haechan who was getting Renjun's tutoring looks as miserable as Chenle.
"That's easy for you to say. You are a Ravenclaw and you love studying." Chenle just groans in response without lifting his head. Adalene chuckles a bit and looks at Renjun to see his reaction. He only frowns a little.
"You want ME to help you study?" Renjun's mischievous tone makes Chenle look up.
"No thanks!" The younger replies hurriedly and sits straight to take the book into his hands again. Adalene can't help but to giggle. Renjun catches her eyes on him again so he only lifts an eyebrow. She stops smiling. What? The girl raises an eyebrow back at him with a little head shake before leaning over to Chenle again. Meanwhile Mark is trying to help Jisung but everyone knows that Mark isn't studious type which just makes Jisung frustrated.

"Guys, it's almost curfew. Pack it up." Renjun earns everyone's attention. Adalene checks the time on a huge clock hanging on the opposite wall.
"I'm sure you don't want to be caught up as prefects allowing younger students to be up past the curfew." The ravenette adds as he stands up packing his books. Jaemin stretches his arms above his head with a yawn.
"It's your patrol today, York." He looks at his prefect partner with an innocent look.
"I know that." Adalene mumbles and gets up taking her stuff.
"Jeno, Chenle, I'm going to walk you to your dormitories so you don't get into trouble." She adds with a louder tone so both of the Hufflepuffs can hear her.
"Haechan let's go." Jaemin moves his head towards the library door waiting for the other Slytherin. Haechan who was still rocking his chair back finally gets up almost making the chair fall back and takes his bag in one hand.
"What about a 'thank you' ?" Renjun calls after the leaving Slytherin he has tutored.
"You welcome!" Haechan responds loudly without looking back making the ravenette take a deep breath of frustration.
"C'mon, let's go." Adalene heads to the door as well. Chenle waits for his best friend to walk next to him following Adalene. Mark joins the two younger students talking about Quidditch with them.

"Thanks for helping." Jeno catches up with the girl and stays by her side.
"I only helped Chenle, it's no big deal." Adalene lowers her voice as they walk through the empty dark corridors of the castle.
"Hope he doesn't pick up her attitude though." Renjun adds from behind making the girl stop and turn around.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She growls facing the Ravenclaw being fed up with his biting remarks for today.
"You know, that princess attitude." Renjun answers with a straight face standing in front of her.
"Don't call me that." The girl furrows her eyebrows leaning to Renjun slowly trying to intimidate him with her fierce look.
"Or what? You set a lizard against me?" He lowers his voice and raises an eyebrow with a little amused look.
"Huang Renjun I swear to-" An anger boils inside of Adalene. Before she can finish her sentence Jeno jumps between the two pushing them apart.
"Calm down both of you." His eyes switch from Renjun to Adalene. A silence spreads around as Chenle, Mark and Jisung also stop in their tracks.
"Chenle, let's go." Adalene commands with eyes still piercing Renjun's. Chenle beckons to his friends and joins the Slytherin prefect as she heads towards Hufflepuff dormitories. Jeno takes last glance at Renjun before following her.

After dropping the two Hufflepuffs at their dormitories, Adalene stands in the empty corridor enjoying the silence. The walk to the dormitories was silent, either of them wanting to irritate her even more. She sighs a little and brushes hand through her blond curls. Her footsteps echo as Adalene walks around the castle, using the Lumos spell sometimes. It seems that all students are resting peacefully in their beds so she decides to pack it up for the night. As she passes by the statue of Boris the Bewildered an idea occurs to her.
I deserve a hot bubbly bath. After whispering the secret password a door by the statue opens to her.

The girl walks inside closing the door behind her. The prefect bathroom is calm and silent filled with cold moonlight coming through huge windows with stained glass. Adalene takes off her robe first, then sweater, shoes and high socks leaving herself in white shirt with loosened green tie and grey skirt. She reaches fingers to undo few of the buttons on her shirt.
"Please stop, I really don't want to watch this." A low deep voice coming from behind makes her jump a little. Adalene turns around quickly to see Huang Renjun sitting by one of the huge windows with a cat on his lap. He watches Adalene standing there turning red in her face slowly.
"For Merlin's sake, Huang! You scared me to death!" Adalene takes few deep breaths holding hand on her chest and closing her eyes trying to calm down her rapidly beating heart. Blond hair fall around her face softly.
Renjun caresses the brown cat's fur slowly leaning head on the stone wall behind his back. "You scared ME when you started a strip show out of a blue." He smirks a little. Adalene opens her brown eyes and frowns.
"I wanted to take a bath, you should have said something right away." She walks to him slowly with her bare feet touching the cold tiles.
"If you wanted to take a look though you should have stayed silent." A smirk forms on her lips teasingly. The male lifts an eyebrow and pretends to gag. Adalene rolls her eyes and sits opposite to him.
"What are you even doing here?...Crooktail! I was looking for you whole day!" As her eyes land on the brown cat sitting comfortably on Renjun's lap, she leans forward to scratch behind the cat's ears softly.
"None of your bussiness, is it York." Renjun lowers his sight to watch Crooktail get caressed by Adalene's hand. The cat starts purring softly.
"It's almost midnight and you are sitting here alone. It's suspicious..." Silence.
"Crooktail, are you friends with this guy? He is very mean." Adalene mumbles without looking away from the cat. She moves a little closer to the male so she can pet the cat properly. The Ravenclaw stays silent as he moves his eyes to inspect Adalene's side profile. Her blond fluffy hair move from her shoulders forming a curtain around her face. He clears his throat quietly which makes her realize how close the two are to each other. Adalene could even smell his sweet scent again but she moves away with one smooth movement leaning her back against the cold wall again opposite to the ravenette. Looking him up and down slowly she notices he doesn't wear his robe. A black v neck sweater with Ravenclaw embroidery and white shirt underneath it with sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Brown eyes keep wandering and she just now pays attention to a sketchbook and pencils laying on the floor next to him. He follows her sight and looks at his sketchbook as well. A sigh escapes his lips as he runs fingers through his raven hair.

"Yeah, I sketch and paint." He admits with low voice not looking at the girl. Adalene looks at Renjun and for some reason she can't feel any negative feelings towards him in this moment. He suddenly looks so vulnerable and just...sad. The girl looks at the open sketchbook paying attention to his drawings. Adalene opens her eyes wide as she recognizes the sketch.
"Is that...the grim?" She suddenly whispers and looks at Renjun. He returns her gaze and nods a little.
"I just dream about it sometimes. That's why I drew it." The male lowers his voice as well.
"...may I?" Adalene motions to the sketchbook. Renjun hesitates for few seconds leaving her hanging in the silence. Then he reaches his arm and hands her the sketchbook. The blonde takes it from him and starts browsing through Renjun's drawings. A sudden shiver runs down her spine so she pulls her naked legs up to her chest. She doesn't notice how Renjun watches her with his dark blue eyes.
"It's beautiful." Adalene whispers as she brushes her fingers across a drawing of a detailed landscape scenery. She turns to next page to see a drawing of a snake which is about to devour a yellow flower. A frown forms on her face trying to see a meaning in this drawing.
"Is this...some kind of your therapy? Are you...not okay?" The girl whispers with a gulp when she realizes. Renjun still watches her with a blank expression. She lifts her eyes to look into his.

Adalene and Renjun have been classmates for years now. Even though they seemed to hate each other she must have noticed his mood changes, anger easily evoked in him, the sad eyes.
The ravenette stays silent watching her as she unintentionally bites her lower lip. He suddenly gets up and snatches the sketchbook from her hands. Crooktail jumps aside starled by the sudden movement. The girl remains sitting on the cold tiles and watches Renjun's back as he collects his stuff.
"Renjun I-I'm s-"
"Shut up." He growls before she could finish her sentence. The sudden hostility takes her aback. Adalene stays silent while Renjun finishes packing his stuff and wearing his robe. Crooktail wipes hip against the male's leg and meows trying to get his attention. Renjun doesn't take a glance at the cat nor at Adalene before he rushes out of the prefect's bathroom without any word.

The Slytherin girl sits there and stares at nothing particular as a tear runs down her cheek. She wipes it off with the back of her hand harshly.

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