Chapter n°8

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"You wanted a dueling club, let's try that out." Renjun holds his wand pointing it at Adalene with a serious expression. The girl gulps as her mouth gets suddenly dry. She was confident in her offensive and defensive spells knowledge but this is Huang Renjun. He is smarter than her although she would never admit it. And given his obvious hatred towards her she was in a real danger.
"Bring it on, Huang." The girl proposes in a low tone with a scornful smirk obviously provoking Renjun even more. The male sweeps his wand at Adalene not wasting time.
"Rictumsempra!" Renjun yells with the sweep.
"Protego!" The girl casts a shield few metres in front of her to protect herself. Her opponent however is ready to attack again not giving her a second to cach breath.
"Everte Statum!"
Before she can react Adalene is sent flying backwards in a flipping formation landing with her back on a stone tiles. A sharp pain runs from her head down her spine. She gasps for air with a groan closing her eyes slowly. Renjun stands on the opposite side of the room processing what he just did.
"Ada!" Donghyuck runs to the girl and kneels beside her. Apart from the pain she feels a sudden strong feeling of humiliation and anger rushing through her veins. She gathers her remaining strength to support herself on elbows and look at the Ravenclaw who watches her with a blank expression.

"Expelliarmus!" With a loud yell she manages to disarm Renjun who gasps a little suprised not excpecting the girl to continue the duel. Adalene stands quickly which causes her vision to blur for a second.
"Stupefy!" In the next second Renjun widens his eyes not being able to move or speak.
"Don't forget I'm a Slytherin. I don't play fair." The blonde walks slowly towards the stunned male. A sharp pain in her head from the previous fall makes her hiss.


Renjun watches as a black snake conjured from the end of Adalene's wand slowly slithers on the cold floor. The snake's hissing and fire crackling echo around the large chamber. Renjun tries to move any muscle in his body but with no use. The Stupefy spell got him frozen on the spot. His heart starts beating rapidly when the snake fixes it's narrowed pupils on him.
Dear Merlin. Please. A soft yelp escapes Renjun's lips. The Ravenclaw really hated snakes. Or rather he was really scared of them. Even terrified. The snake wobbles on the floor when Adalene breaks the silence with a hissing sound coming from her mouth. Renjun moves his dark blue eyes to look into Adalene's. She watches him with anger reflecting in her brown eyes. Her lips move again only hissing coming past them but it sounds as if she was forming a command. The snake hisses creeping closer to Renjun straightening up a little. The Ravenclaw keeps his gaze on Adalene begging her with his eyes to stop her actions. Fear overcomes the male being only able to hear his own heartbeat. His inhales air through his teeth sharply when the snake in front of him hisses again. The blond Parselmouth talks to the black serpent with a slow and low tone with her eyes glued on the ravenette as if she was in a daze. Renjun closes his eyes preparing to be bitten.
"Ada that's enough. You are scaring him. Us." Eyes now open again, Jaemin appears next to the girl out of the blue and puts hand on her shoulder speaking in urgent and disturbed tone. She flinches due to the sudden contact which somehow brings the serpent's attention to the blond male. Adalene snaps out of her trance pointing a wand at the snake with one swift move.
"Vipera Evanesca!"
The snake vanishes in a small puff of black smoke. Renjun takes a deep breath slowly in order to slow down his heartbeat. The Stupefy spell starts to wear off as he feels tickling in his fingertips.

"You crazy wench." Renjun says through his teeth the fear making him feel sick to his stomach. Adalene doesn't look at him and just leans into Jaemin's side with a worn out expression. Jaemin supports her with arm around her shoulders.
"I hope you learnt your lesson, Huang. Just leave me alone." She finally speaks out slowly with a low raspy voice. The other Slytherin prefect raises eyes on Renjun.
"You two..." Renjun switches his look from Jaemin to Donghyuck who stands silently aside with blank expression. With a trembly hands he reaches for his wand and makes his way to the door. He doesn't take a single look back before he disappears into the dark corridors of the castle.

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