Chapter n°13

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The end of the Christmas break is approaching quickly. Adalene and Renjun have spent some more moments together but never as long as on the Christmas day. Now it's the night before Hogwarts welcome back all the students who have left for the holidays. Adalene lays on her bed reading a book Renjun recommended to her yesterday when they spent few hours in the library together. It's a fairy tale-like book with fantasy features. When Renjun told her about the book she was really surprised to find out he enjoyes stuff like this. He told her he likes escaping to different reality often daydreaming and reading fantasy books.
Soon she finds out she can't really focus on the story although it's really captivating. With a soft groan she puts the book away and gets up.

By now she was sure about one thing: she was attracted to Huang Renjun wether she liked it or not. The Ravenclaw prefect evokes strong feelings inside of her but she hasn't quite figured what kind of feelings are those. Therefore she tries to spend more time with him to figure her own mind. Or rather heart.
With one soft move she gets up wearing a green Slytherin sweater and heads out of the empty room. It's late already and certainly after the curfew. Which she doesn't care about as she walks out of the Slytherin common room and makes her way to a certain place hoping she would find Renjun there.

Opening the hidden door with a password only prefects and quidditch captains know she steps into the grand bathroom with huge strained glass windows and one pool-like bath.
"I knew I would find you here." Adalene speaks up with a low voice walking into the bathroom. Renjun sits as usual by one of the windows sketching something into his notebook. He doesn't lift his head and only hums in response. The blonde approaches him and sits on the cold floor opposite the male leaning her back against the wall.
"Why did you come?" Renjun stops drawing and looks up at her.
"I came to verify something." The male raises an eyebrow. He is wearing a grey hoodie with the hood over his head only few strands of his black hair pointing out.
"And what is that?"
"I knew I said this is going to be only for the Christmas break but I don't want us to be a complete strangers from tomorrow on." Adalene stretches her legs out on the floor in front of her. Renjun stares at the girl for a while without saying anything.
"I mean we are probably going to hang out with the rest of the group so." Renjun finally mutters and his eyes switch back to his sketches. Adalene bites her lower lip and looks out of the window to see the moon casting cold light upon the valley.
"Why do you like to draw?" She changes the subject instead. Renjun doesn't stop the strokes of the pencil.
"It calms me down." He replies casually. Adalene leans head back against the wall and watches snowflakes starting to fall gently through the stained glass.
"Do you have depression?" The girl whispers carefully. Their last encounter in the bathroom ended once she asked him about it. This time Renjun seems to stay calm and continues drawing.
"Yeah. Art helps me deal with my condition." Although he admitted it without snapping at her she couldn't unnotice the reserved tone towards her.
He is still not thinking of me as a friend.
"I won't tell anyone so..." Adalene continues to speak with a lowered voice. She hopes he would finally open up to her. Renjun ignores her last remark.
"Renjun we spent the last few days together, you know me." His hand finally stops moving and he looks at her. Adalene watches the male with gentle expression with hands folded in her lap.
"It's not about you. I don't really warm up to anyone. Besides Chenle." To Adalene's surprise he doesn't seem to be annoyed with her. She stays silent for a while before speaking again.

"You said art helps you..."
Renjun remains quiet and then puts the sketchbook back into his white tote bag to pull out a little wooden box with little golden piano keys.
"I play and sing as well." He admits with a low voice and lifts his eyes on her as if he expected her to burst out laughing. Instead Adalene widens her eyes and looks at the little musical instrument in his hands. Renjun's thumbs move to the golden keys and presses on them creating a dreamy sound. Adalene smiles a bit and swiches her position quickly to sit next to Renjun with their shoulders touching.
"What's that?" She asks and moves her fingers over the keys.
"Kalimba. It's really easy to play." Renjun plays another few notes with his thumbs.

The melody is delicate and soft making Adalene smile. The ravenette continues moving his thumbs filling the dark bathroom with music. Before Adalene could say anything Renjun starts humming a song and then proceeds to sing with a low voice.
Renjun's voice hovers in the bathroom. The mermaid on one of the stained glass windows swings along the song. Adalene feels her heart melting as she listens to the male's honeyed voice. She had no idea he was so talented.

Renjun sings about pain, lost and hope while his thumbs move on the kalimba creating a melody for his words. Adalene's smile fades away as she listens to him. His words find their way to her heart bringing tears into her eyes. She closes them and leans her head slowly on Renjun's shoulder. It doesn't seem to bother him as he keeps singing. A tear rolls down her cheek. In that moment she wants to hug the male and hold him until his pain goes away. She wishes there would be something she could do to make him feel happy again.

As she snuggles closer to him with her head resting on his shoulder she breathes in his scent. Adalene feels relaxed enough to fall asleep like that listening to Renjun's voice. Her emotions though are exploding like fireworks as she feels how close they are with her perceiving his every move.
Renjun...what are you doing to me. I'm lost. Yet I know that I want to be yours.
Another tear drop rolls down her cheek as Adalene can't help but to feel overwhelmed with her feelings. Renjun's voice fades away as the song comes to an end. His fingers stop moving and bathroom falls into silence. Adalene listens to his breathing.
"That was beautiful." She whispers. Her eyes open slowly and her sight falls on his hands now resting in his lap with the small instrument. A sudden desire to touch his hand takes over her mind but she stops herself as he remains quiet.

"Sorry." Adalene mutters suddenly and quickly pulls away from Renjun straigtening up. She wipes the tears away with back of her hand. Not knowing what to say she clears throat.
"We should go sleep. School starts tomorrow." Renjun suggests with a distant tone and starts collecting his belongings. Adalene's heart drops as she senses his reserved behaviour.
Don't do this to me Renjun, please.
A feeling of frustration and sadness arrives when she watches him getting up without a single hint of any affection towards her.
"Yeah." She finally stands up as well. Renjun doesn't look at her. Adalene feels tears gathering in her eyes again.
"Well, see you." The girl blurts out already on her way out of the bathroom.

Now she lays again in her bed feeling even worse than before. Few tears fall down on her cheeks.
"Dear Merlin..." She whispers before closing eyes and rolling on one side. Now she was sure that no matter how hard she tries Renjun won't warm up to her.
I should just give up. The others arrive tomorrow, I won't be seeing him much anyway. Out of sight, out of mind.


"Ada!" Donghyuck yells outs with a huge grin platestered on his face. Adalene smiles and walks towards the Slytherin to hug him. Donghyuck squeezes the girl before leting her go.
"I missed you guys." Adalene complains with a sigh.
"Well Jaemin wouldn't shut up about you the whole ride." Donghyuck says with a straight face earning a smack from the Slytherin prefect.
"Stop making up things." Jaemin smirks before facing the blond girl.
"I don't know, it does kind of suit you." Adalene grins making Jaemin roll his eyes. Then they take a seat at the Slytherin table while Donghyuck walks around the table to sit opposite them.
"So how did you survive here with that smartypants?" The brunette supports his chin with his hand smirking playfully. Adalene's mind floods with memories and moments of her and Renjun going on walks outside or just reading books together. She gulps but keeps her expression casual.
"Nothing special. Little boring actually." Maybe her first lie to the two of them. Donghyuck snorts while Jaemin measures the girl next to him with his brown eyes. Adalene catches his gaze and lifts an eyebrow. Before he could say anything  headmaster Dumbledore orders silence.

"Welcome back students. I hope you all enjoyed holidays in peace with your loved ones. This year Hogwarts host a prestigious social event, the Yule ball. The attendance of four-year students and higher is required." An excited humming spreads around the Great Hall. Donghyuck lets out an annoyed groan.
"In order to prepare you for the evening full of elegance, there will be etiquette classes held by professors. Now regarding next matter..."
Adalene looks at her two friends with thrilled expression. Donghyuck leans his forehead against the wooden table letting out another groan while Jaemin grins at her with a mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

A/N: Hello, thank you for reading this story. I hope you are enjoying it so far!
I would be very grateful for any feedback so don't be shy and drop comments and likes. ''

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