Chapter n°9

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Renjun stands in front of the majestic black beast, caressing its nose lost in thought. He loved days like this, cold and dark which make him want to explore the Forbidden Forest. A sudden crack of dry branches behind him snaps him out of his thoughts. He stops his motions with hand still on the thestral's head.
Who would even come here?
"C'mon, I know someone's there." He exclaims loud enough for the person hiding to hear him. Another branches crack under the weight of human footsteps. Renjun puts down his hand and turns around to look at the intruder.

"You?!" He exclaims with unconcealed surprise and displeasure in his voice tone. Adalene York approaches Renjun and the thestral slowly without a word. Passing by the male she patiently reaches hand to touch the thestral's dragon-like face. Her cheeks turn pink slowly but in the cold weather it seems just natural. The ravenette stands behind her in silence watching her as she pats the beast's black long neck.
How is she able to see thestrals? What's happening?
Renjun debates in his mind wether he should ask or just leave. A fog creeps into the clearing which creates an eerie atmosphere. The thestral waves with its bat-like leathery wings when Adalene caresses its long neck.
"How?" Renjun finally breaks the silence slowly approaching the girl and stopping by her side. He pulls an apple from his pocket to feed it to the creature. Adalene takes a glimpse at his hand.
"I don't really know." The girl replies with lowered voice as if the trees could hear her. Renjun's eyes meet with hers when she turns her head at him. He doesn't say anything but his eyes reflect a sparkle of curiosity.
"I'm adopted, did you know?...Of course not, I didn't tell anyone." She continues looking into Renjun's eyes. The male parts his lip and widens his eyes.
Adopted?! How? Wait so Helena York...!
Adalene watches his reaction and lifts an eyebrow.
"Why do you look so surprised? It's not a big deal, I don't really remember my birth parents. I only heard that they died. I guess my ability to see thestrals has something to do with my parents' death? I never really...why am I even telling you all this." The girl mutters with low voice her eyes fixed on the black creature again. Renjun stands paralyzed on spot. He tries to absorb the load of new informations. The hateful person he had turned into every time whenever he even spotted a strand of Adalene's blond curly hair was based on the fact that she was the daughter of Helena York, the killer of his parents.

"You okay, Huang? You look awfully pale." Adalene snaps him out of his trance. Renjun can feel shivering all over his body as he watches the girl standing in front of him with a slight concern in her brown eyes.
"So Helena York...?" A raspy voice comes out of his mouth. The blonde raises eyebrows obviously surprised.
This can't be. No way.
"How do you know about that woman?" She whispers taking a step back away from him. Just now he notices the sky is turning darker with every passed minute. The thestral puffs probably a bit disturbed by the sudden tense between the two students.
"Is she not your mother?" Renjun continues with his raspy voice. His heart beats rapidly as if it wanted to leap out of his chest any second. Adalene frowns looking away.
"Of course not! She was a Death Eater! Mister York banished her when he found out." Adalene blurts out and glances at Renjun again.
"So? How do you even know about her?" The girl asks again and measures Renjun with a suspicion in her brown eyes. The male feels his legs tremble slightly.
"She killed my parents."


Adalene freezes on spot. Her eyes widen in shock. Something cold lands on her nose and lips. First snow of the year falls down softly and quietly on the clearning. The two students just stand either of them not being able to move or speak.
"So..." Adalene breaks the silence with a whisper.
"All this thought I was the daughter of your parents' killer?" She continues quietly. Her voice disappears into the dark forest surrounding them.
"That's why you did all of this?" Her voice break at the end of the question. A quiet sob gets past her lips, the realization making her head spin. Anger and confusion take over her mind.
Renjun bows his head down not saying anything. Adalene can't see his face because of the dark but it seems his shoulders are shaking a bit. Her lungs clench whenever she tries to take a deep breath.

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