Chapter n°17

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Renjun walks into the Great Hall wearing a classical robe with a dark blue bow-tie under his neck with his raven hair pushed back revealing his forehead. He doesn't really care about the ball but his Ravenclaw female prefect partner insisted on taking him with her. The girl has her arm linked with Renjun's as she keeps looking into all directions humming excitedly.
"Renjun, can we dance?" The prefect leans closer to Renjun with pleading eyes as they make their way between the tables.
"No." The male cuts her off without looking at her.
"Fine, I'm going there then." She unlinks their arms before rushing to greet her Ravenclaw friends. Renjun doesn't really pay attention to her anymore though because his eyes land on a female figure dressed in blue gown with wavy hair falling on her back like a waterfall of gold.

"No kidding, Huang is that you!" Donghyuck jumps from his seat almost running to Renjun to grab him around neck and pulling him towards their group. Renjun growls annoyed but his face slightly changes as Adalene turns around giving him a chance to admire her dress. He manages to pull a casual look the next second hoping noone has noticed.
"Get off me, Lee." Renjun pushes Donghyuck away from him and fixes his robe. The ravenette tries hard not to stare at Adalene who stands just few feet in front of him looking ethereal under the cold light casted from the ceiling.
"Hyuck, come dance with me." Adalene invites the brunette before he manages to continue teasing Renjun. The duo retreats from the group to the dance floor where other couples rotate to the  music. Renjun's eyes follow them watching as Adalene forces Donghyuck to hold her by her waist and dance properly with her.

Since the girl isn't near anymore he realizes he was almost holding breath. The view of her in the blue gown complimenting her skin and hair with her pink lips made the male restless. As he watches her dancing with Donghyuck he can't help but to feel jealousy creeping under his skin. He wanted to feel her in his arm and touch her soft skin. To smell her scent and watch her smile at him.
"Renjun, you really showed up." Chenle's voice brings Renjun back to reality. To his bad luck, the younger noticed Renjun's stare and snickers as he follows the ravenette's eyes.
"Oy, I was wondering what happened between you two. You like her!" Chenle exclaims with a pretended surprise earning a death glare from the older male. He giggles and shoves Renjun's shoulder.
"Ask her for a dance." Chenle wiggles his eyebrows.
"You are imagining things." Renjun replies with a slightly annoyed voice and turns around to pretend he is busy with picking a snack from the table.
"C'mon Renjun, I know you like a brother. You are an open book to me." Chenle continues teasing.


Adalene leads the dance with one her hand in Donghyuck's and the other on his shoulder. She tries to keep smiling but her mind keeps slipping to the moment she saw Renjun walking to them. He looked handsome with his hair pushed back and the black robe. She could also swear that she saw him checking her out for a second. The idea of his eyes on her made her blood rush into her face. Adalene knew people were looking at her the whole evening but only Renjun's look could make her flustered like this. She actually used Donghyuck to calm herself down as they swing across the dance floor.

"Why are you so quiet?" Her partner breaks her train of thoughts.
"Huh?" She looks at him as if she hasn't heard his question. Donghyuck sizes up Adalene's face with a suspicious look.
"You shouldn't have told Jaemin to dance with someone else if it bothers you." The brunette lifts an eyebrow. Adalene hasn't noticed that as she trailed off Donghyuck took the lead and now he swings with her around the dance floor.
"Don't be ridiculous. You should know better than anyone." Adalene frowns a little at the male. Donghyuck studies her facial expression for a minute before he shruggs.
"Whatever. This sucks by the way." He groans while following the dance steps obediently. Adalene chuckles.

As the two find their way out of the centre of the dance floor her sight falls on Renjun standing further back leaning against the wall and talking to Jisung. She notices the gentle way he looks at the younger male when he listens to him. Familiar tickling scatters in her lungs. Suddenly as if the ravenette felt someone's stare at him his eyes shift from Jisung to meet hers for a second. Adalene averts her eyes trying to seem unbothered as she lets Donghyuck spin her into opposite direction.

The orchestra finishes one song and plays another. Donghyuck leads Adalene away from the dance floor to join the others. Jaemin appears next to them looking not really thrilled.
"How was the dance?" Adalene looks at Jaemin with a sly grin. He casts his eyes at her for a second with a vague expression making Donghyuck laugh at him.

The evening continued cheerfully, Adalene had a chance to dance with Jeno, Chenle and few times with Jaemin again. By now half of the students attending the ball have left probably either to sleep or to have fun in common rooms. Jisung and Chenle convinced Mark to go play billiards with them and they haven't returned yet. Jeno, Jaemin, Donghyuck, Renjun and Adalene are sitting on the small cushion chairs just talking comfortably and enjoying the refreshments. There were few times when female students approached them to ask one of them for a dance which was mostly unsuccessful.

"You guys remember Jaemin? He was really funny." Jeno chuckles watching the Slytherin prefect amused.
"Oh right, he was talking weirdly." Donghyuck adds laughing at the image of first-year Jaemin.
"Honestly I didn't like any of you at first. You were just too nice," Jaemin motions to Jeno, "and you were so rude." He point at Donghyuck then making both of them grin.
"None of that changed though. Jeno is still too nice and Haechan..." Adalene notes and shruggs to hint at Donghyuck's behaviour.
"Oh yeah and Renjun...well I really thought he wanted to show off how smart he is." Jaemin looks at the quiet Ravenclaw who watches the other with a slight smirk on his face.
"What about me?" Adalene tilts head to a side.
"You, my dear colleague, have been glued on me since day one. It was annoying sometimes but you were cute." Jaemin makes the girl sitting opposite him cringe at his words.

The music in the background changes to a slow melody. The few couples who remained at the dance floor stand close to each other and dance slowly to the rythm. Adalene's heart rate speeds up as a thought occurs to her. She has been convincing herself to do this the whole evening. With a single quick motion she stands up and reaches hand to Renjun looking at him determined. The ravenette lifts head to look at her with wide eyes.
"Will you dance with me?" Adalene utters trying to seem as casual as possible. The other three watch them speechless. Renjun finally gets up from his seat and grabs her hand letting Adalene to walk them to the dance floor. She takes the chance of him walking behind her to take a deep breath.

"What are you doing?" Renjun asks her with a low voice as soon as she puts her arms around his neck. Yet his hands travel softly to her waist and stay there. He doesn't really hold her to him, more like for appearance sake.
"I'm dancing with you." Adalene replies hoping she doesn't seem as flustered as she actually feels. The couple dance to the slow music with other pairs around them.
"But why." Renjun's blue eyes pierce into hers.
"I haven't danced with you yet."
"So you are collecting dance partners like trophies?"
Adalene sighs hurt by this usual approach of his.
"I wanted to dance with you, okay? With you." The girl whispers and averts her eyes from him. Renjun doesn't say anything but clears his throat instead. Unexpectedly he adjusts his grip on Adalene's waist and pulls her a little closer to him. The girl feels her heart in her throat.

"The dress suit you." Renjun mutters.
"Thanks. I really like blue." Adalene replies gathering up courage to look at him again.
"I like yellow." Renjun watches her as they dance with their faces only few inches away from each other.
"My last name means yellow." He continues with a gentle tone. Adalene smiles a little.
"My middle name is Iris. Since we are sharing our secrets like this." Renjun scoffs and his head turns to a side with a slight smirk on his lips.
"Why are you so persistent about me though?" He looks again at her. She can smell his scent and his hair tickling her on her hand as she holds him around neck. Just like in her dream.
"Why do I have to have a reason to be with you?" Adalene returns his gaze and feels her throat going dry.
"Because I don't trust you." His low voice rings in her ears. It feels like the world spins around her.
"Why are you so oblivious, Huang Renjun. Can't you see you are hurting me?" She whispers and looks down trying to hold her tears back. Her lungs clench.
"Is this one of your games, York? I have watched you all these years to know better." The male still moves slowly with her, the other couples too invested in their own partners to not pay attention to them.
"Well you know nothing!" Adalene hisses letting go of the male. She points a finger at him, a tear already rolling down her cheek.
"I'm so done with you now. To think I have feelings for someone as heartless as you!" The blonde whispers pointing at him with anger and sadness taking over her actions. Without waiting for his answer she darts out of the Great Hall holding her head down and tears slowly streaming down her cheeks.

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