Chapter n°6

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"You should eat more." Adalene watches Donghyuck next to her as he picks at his food without eating anything. He is wearing his green quidditch cape and jersey because of the Quidditch game today.
"You look really fresh, Haechan. Scared much? Wanna call mommy?" Jeno Lee, the captain of the Hufflepuff team, leans over with arms on the Slytherin table opposite to Donghyuck with a mocking grin.
"Give him a break Jeno." Jaemin who sits opposite to Haechan looks up to Jeno with a little frown obviously concerned for his Slytherin friend. Donghyuck looks up at Jeno as well with a fuming face. He would probably throw in one of his spicy insults if he wasn't feeling so nervous. The Hufflepuff captain chuckles and sits down next to Jaemin. Adalene caresses Haechan's back gently.
"It's gonna be fine, it's not your first match. You know the feeling goes away once you get on your broomstick." The girl tries to comfort Donghyuck who stares on the plate full of untouched food.
"Jeno! The team's looking for you!" Chenle comes running holding a small black club which all beaters carry. Once he sees Haechan turning pale he bursts out laughing.
"We will be there for you Hyuck." Adalene looks at the male who only nods slowly before standing up and sauntering away towards the rest of the team.
"I sure hope you are right about him getting over this once he is in the air." Jaemin remarks with low voice earning a warning gaze from Adalene.

"Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin!" Students around are chanting unison and waving with little silver and green flags. The game has already started and Slytherin is now ahead of Hufflepuff by 20 points.
"Go Haechan!" Adalene yells watching her friend who really overcame his nervosity and now is tormenting Hufflepuff players by hitting the Bludger towards them. Jaemin stands next to her watching the game with an amused smile on his lips. Jeno doesn't waste time and chases after the Quaffle to score. Jeno indeed is the team's ace with his strong physique and great reflexes. He scores another 10 points for Hufflepuff and the opposite stands go crazy by chanting his name.
"Lee Jeno! Lee Jeno! Lee Jeno!"
"Ugh c'mon!" Jeamin groans watching as the chaser flies by waving to the Hufflepuff students proudly with big smile. Adalene smirks a little.
"Don't be jealous. He is really good at this." She admits watching Jeno as well. Jaemin frowns and looks at her for a second.
"I'm not. It's annoying how cocky he can get."
"Seems like a sport for you then." Adalene replies casually with a little chuckle.
"For m-"
"Yees!" Adalene cut's Jaemin off when Slytherin scores another 10 points. Slytherins shout in excitement and wave with little flags and green scarfs. Another cheer echoes as one of the Hufflepuffs gets caught up in a Body Blow, the infamous Slytherin tactics. Two players squeeze an opponent between them stealing the Quaffle from him. Few Slytherins shout in excitement when Haechan sends the Bludger toward Jeno but Chenle appears from nowhere and hits the Bludger hard sending it away with a satisfied smirk. Adalene could sense Jaemin tense up a little when it looked like Jeno was going to get hit. But the Hufflepuff chaser doesn't seem to be stunned. He flies below his teammate who is getting trapped by Slytherin chasers. The Hufflepuff throws the Quaffle down right into Jeno's arms who catches it with ease. Jeno circles around the goalposts throwing the Quaffle into one of them. Loud cheering raises again from the opposite stands. Some Slytherin female students squeek suddenly making Adalene look at them. They are pointing at Jeno giggling and obviously fangirling. The Slytherin prefect only rolls her eyes and folds arms on her chest.
"Who is jealous now huh." Jeamin mumbles with a satisfied smirk as he notices Adalene's annoyed look.

"Look, it's the Snitch!" Someone in their stand calls out making everyone around look into that direction. It seems that the seekers got a glimpse of the Golden Snitch so they are both after it now. The score is now 50:70 for Slytherin. Adalene watches the seekers but they soon disappear from her view so she moves her eyes on Haechan again who is flying after a Bludger. Once he gets into a good angle he smashes it with his bat towards the opponent's captain again. This time Chenle is too busy on the other side of the field with Hufflepuff's other beater. Jeno is circling around Slytherin's goalposts his eyes on the Slytherin keeper.
Adalene lets out a gasp as the Bludger hits the shaft of Jeno's broomstick throwing the male's body right into the metalic goalpost. Jeno lets go of his broomstick and his unconscious body falls on the ground with screams echoing from all directions. Both Jaemin and Adalene stare at Jeno's body laying under the goalposts.
"Let's go!" Adalene wakes up first and grabs Jaemin's arm pulling him after her. She forces her way through the students who continue watching the game. They make their way to the stairs rushing down to head towards the pitch. Jaemin finally seems to pull himself together as he passes Adalene and runs under the stands.
"Jaemin wait!" The girl runs after him trying to keep up.

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