Chapter n°19

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"Hey, you okay?" Jaemin stands up from the chair he was sitting in. Adalene walks out of the corridor, which leads to the female dormitories, and catches the Slytherin prefect chilling with Donghyuck in the big comfortable chairs.
"Yeah, why?" Adalene wonders as she approaches the two Slytherins.
"You ran out of the ball literally crying like a baby." Donghyuck joins Jaemin standing up. Adalene realizes she hasn't seen the two since she indeed ran out of the Great Hall crying.
"Oh yeah. Just something Renjun said, you know him." Adalene shrugs it off unbothered. The two male exchange looks.
"He made you cry. Are you gonna let it slide just like that?" Donghyuck raises an eyebrow unconvinced. Adalene rolls eyes a bit.
"He ran after you, didn't he? Did you talk it out?" Jaemin crosses arms on his chest.
"Yeah, sure. Nothing to worry about, okay?" Adalene measures both of the boys with a slight delighted smirk. Jaemin returns her a suspicious look before just shrugging it off as well.

The trio heads out of the common room slowly. Morning after the Yule Ball all four-year and above students move sleepily but still with cheerful expressions. The Ball has lifted the mood of all residents of the castle. As the Slytherins enter the Great Hall, now in its original state, they head to the Slytherin table.

"Hey, Jaemin! Come sit here!" A familiar voice calls out. Chenle lifts from his seat at the Hufflepuff table to wave at the three students. Donghyuck and Adalene exchange looks shortly before following Jaemin towards the boy who is sitting surrounded by the others.
"Hey, what's up." Jaemin sits down between Mark and Jeno with Jisung by Jeno's right. Adalene follows the blond to the table with only two spots left opposite them, well unless she would want to squeeze between Mark and some random Hufflepuff student.
The girls drops down to sit down next to Renjun who now sits between Adalene and Chenle. Donghyuck takes remaining spot next to Adalene.

"Morning." Adalene utters getting a respond from some others.
It's sunday which means everyone wears their regular clothing and the students are allowed to sit with other house members.

Adalene's cheeks heat up lightly as she thinks about yesterday's events. Actually it took her quite time falling asleep last night.
Sitting next to Renjun now, she can smell his scent and even feel his slightest movements. Sparkles of excitement run through her body. The ravenette doesn't lift his head from the food standing in front of him.
"Ada, I haven't seen you when we came back to the Ball yesterday. Jaemin said you left." Chenle leans forward so he can take a look at the girl. The latter lifts head from her breakfast to turn her head at Chenle.
"Yeah, I went to sleep. Didn't feel well." Adalene smiles a bit at the orange haired boy. As she returns her attention to her food she catches a glimpse of Jaemin whispering something to Jeno making the dark haired boy smirk a bit.
"Remind me why are we sitting with y'all again?" Donghyuck mutters earning a cheeky reply from Mark.

Before she can even explore Jaemin and Jeno's whispering she feels a movement and a contact of someone's knee with hers. Trying hard not to blush she takes a slow deep breath. She shoots a quick glare towards Renjun but the male seems to mind only his food, not even trying to participate in the conversation. Adalene follows his example and tries to pay attention to her breakfast. But with Renjun's leg touching hers she is only able to focus on the touch. The spot on her skin where their knees touch is burning with excitement.

"Do you want to go to Hogsmeade later?" Jisung suddenly suggests earning everyone's attention.
"Sure." Jaemin answers without a hesitation. Adalene looks at him with a raised eyebrow to which he only shrugs. Jaemin seems to have a sweet spot for the younger Gryffindor.
Now that I'm thinking about it, everyone around seem to have a sweet spot for him.
"Renjun, are you coming?" Mark asks lifting his eyes to the ravenette.
"Yeah, why not." Renjun mumbles making Chenle smile delightedly. The corners of Adalene's mouth move slightly upwards but she sips from a cup of tea hurriedly to cover that.

"We should check out the new broomstick model." Donghyuck calls out eagerly.
"Don't you have like the recent model though?" Jeno measures the brunette with an annoyed look.
"Yeah and?" Donghyuck smirks chewing on his breakfast.
"Must be nice to be a spoiled brat." Mark remarks lowly but since Donghyuck sits across him, Mark's words get to him clearly enough.
"Jealous four-eyes?" The Slytherin snorts making Mark lift his head to shoot a death glare at him.
"Jealous of you?" Mark tilts head to a side with a provocative way. Adalene sitting next to Donghyuck actually enjoys the drama happening right next to her.

Now that everyone's attention is on the two boys, Renjun slides his hand under the table to grab Adalene's, sending shivers down her spine. Will she ever get used to his touches?
The ravenette still looks unbothered minding his breakfast and not even glacing at Donghyuck and Mark. His fingers slowly interwines with hers while his thumb caresses her skin. Adalene bites her lower lip in order to keep a straight face. They didn't agree on hiding their relationship from the others, it just felt more natural for both of them to keep it this way, at least for now. Adalene's heart fluters when Renjun gives her hand a light squeeze.

"You guys break it up. Plus Mark, you are a prefect. Students follow your example." Jaemin groans a little fed up with their constant bickering. Both of them turn their heads in Jaemin's direction.
"Mind your own business." Donghyuck retorts.
"Well, Jaemin't right. Hey, should I just deduct points from you?" Mark smirks at the Slytherin victoriously.
"What?!" Both Jaemin and Adalene snap at the Gryffindor prefect.
"That's a power abuse!" Donghyuck whines with furrowed eyebrows.
"You are not respecting a prefect though." Renjun finally speaks up with his eyes on the brunette. Adalene turns her head to look at the Ravenclaw with surprised face.
"Oh you know how to talk now?" Donghyuck snorts at Renjun.
"You should learn some manners finally, Lee." Renjun mumbles with a slight smirk, still eyeing the Slytherin.

Adalene frowns a little, letting go of Renjun's hand. If Renjun pays any attention to their separation he doesn't show it at all.
"Stop getting at us all the time, it's really annoying." Adalene interferes the debate finally earning Renjun's glare.
"Isn't it embarrassing? He is stealing points from your house whenever he can." Renjun raises an eyebrow probably amused.
"So what, Haechan is just having fun, he can gain those stupid points later. You should care less about that nonsense and have fun a little instead. Or go find yourself friends who share the same excitement about ass-kissing this whole school system."

Adalene stops herself but it's too late. The words cannot be taken back. Renjun watches her with a blank expression patiently waiting for her to finish the monologue. The girl takes a deep breath slowly not knowing what has gotten into her out of blue. As if some part inside of her got irritated by Renjun's uptight remarks. The silence among the others is resting heavy upon the table. Noone dares to say a word waiting for Renjun to react. The ravenette just scoffs yet no sign of amusement in his face as he gets up and leaves from the Great Hall without a single word.

Later that day, Adalene dresses up for going out with their group. Renjun's face keeps appearing in front of her with guilt nagging at her as she thinks about the breakfast incident. She didn't mean it but there is nothing the girl could do about it now. With a soft whimper Adalene leaves the warm bedroom and heads to meet the boys.

"Don't tell me you feel bad for earlier, I think it was cool." Donghyuck smirks as he throws an arm around Adalene's shoulders.
"Well, Renjun really looked stunned. I guess it was worth it." Jaemin snickers as he walks by Adalene's other side.
"Ada. Renjun didn't show up, guess you really pissed him off this time." Jeno announces with a smirk on his face with arms crossed on his chest as he waits for the rest of their group in front of the main gate.
"Ha ha. I just stood up for Haechan. No big deal, I thought he would just shrug it off with a nasty comment as usual." Adalene groans.
"He has a point by the way." Mark mutters referring to Renjun's previous remarks during the breakfast debate. Donghyuck only chuckles rolling his eyes.
"I'm just teasing you Mark, you know that. I respect our dear prefects." The brunette waves his arms towards the Slytherin prefects making Mark shake his head.

Adalene smirks a bit trying to seem cool about the situation but her mind keeps screaming the Ravenclaw's name again and again at her.
I should go find him. The girl opens her mouth to come up with a petty excuse so she could go and find Renjun.

"Oy Renjun, are you done sulking?" Jeno calls out suddenly making everyone turn around to see Renjun walking towards them with Chenle by his side. They are both dressed for going out.
"I made him come with us." Chenle grins all proud of himself for the achievement. Renjun seems to have a better mood as he smirks a bit, shoving the younger male's shoulder. Adalene feels a relief from seeing Renjun joining them in his usual mood, not for long though as the Ravenclaw passes by her without giving her a single look.

Dark Clouds upon Us || Renjun x HogwartsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang