Chapter 4

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There is always a story behide ever problem, never judge anyone until you know the whole story. I don't know if I knew the whole story of my mother and fathers argument but I am definitely judging them. I will never become them like everyone in Paradise Valley had said, had shouted for her to die, to fuck off, to leave them be, said that she would only cause more trouble then there was. Not only did my parents ruin my love for them, but they also ruined my life in Paradise Valley.

"What if I write a diary?"

"You really want to write a diary?" He asked chucking "Hey, don't judge" I said, playfully hitting his arm.

Its been 2 weeks after meeting Elijah. We walk to school together, eat lunch at the back lunch table to the very right, walk home together to my house, and around 6 he leaves and goes next door to his house. I don't know why he doesn't want to go back to his house after school, but I know for a fact that it isn't about that repairment bullshit or whatever. But he seems sensitive about this subject so I don't ask bout it.

We were on our way to the park. Elijah decided that we to go to the park on today after school, and to be honest, I'm a bit scared you see,

when I first came to Sierra Vista, I was scared and extremally lonely since before I only saw my grandmother twice everyday, she would drive me to school and the second time I saw her was at dinner. Anyway it gave me a lot of time to think when I first moved into Sierra Vista now, before today, I never came back here.

We sat on my favorite bench (well was my favorite, now I'm not so sure) Part of the reason why I liked it was because on this bench its very quiet to the point where you can only hear a few cars on the street. Here in Sierra Vista is much more quieter than the my childhood town.

We sat on the bench and talked about school (which is very boring, I wonder why Elijah likes it so much). 


After a while of talking and chatting, we decided to go back home. 

The swift cool wind blowing towards my face, making my hair float gracefully back. Elijah's messy hair is blown out of his face, where for the first time I see his full face without his hair covering his forehead 

and god, its breathtaking.

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