Chapter 8

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When I moved to Sierra Vista I think my mom was so happy she jumped so high I swear she would have touched the moon. She told me that my grandmother left her house in Sierra Vista and just recently came back to take care of me. I remember I was so happy to leave this miserable household I was stuck in for 16 years.

"Chloe, where do you need me to put this?"

"Uh, just there in the corner" Chloe said finally looking up from her sketchpad.

I'm helping Chloe organize her fabric stack, which I have to say is so messy, it's taking 2 long hours. And Chloe is not helping, not that I mind, I enjoy the work.

Usually I help Chloe after school everyday and when I turn 17 she agreed to hire me.

I walked out the store and headed home holding a beautiful golden box that Chloe helped me choose out for Elijah.

Now I'm not going to tell you what it is because that would ruin the surprise. Elijah has no idea I'm going to his house but I think he's going to love the gift that I picked out for him.


I stopped right in front of his front door and I am freaking out, 'what if he does like it?', 'what if he doesn't want to talk to me?' No, I can't do this. I started to pace 10 steps back. I'll just give it to him tomorrow at school.

'What if he's not at school tomorrow?'

Oh My God

'What if I ruin it'

'Miss place it?'

I take a deep breath and walk towards the door again

'1 step'

'2 steps'

'3 steps'

'4 steps'


'6, 7, 8'

'9, 10'

In through the nose out through the mouth.

Ok, you got this Everyleigh. I bring my hand up ready to knock on the door. Oh God, what if his parents are home? What will they think of me? No Everleigh we talked about this, no thinking of what others will think of you, you're not perfect, neither are they.

I knock,

Once, knock


Twice, knock


Three times the charm

Three times, knock


'Is he ignoring me?' 'Does he not want to talk to me anymore?'


Then I suddenly shake, from a sudden big bang like something thrown against the wall, wait, no, not something, someone

And then just as quickly follows a cry, a soft whimpering cry. Without even thinking I threw the door open,

and my jaw dropped. 

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