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OCTOBER WAS APPROACHING FAST and all the students were stressed, because of school.
The teachers were giving too much homework and it tired them to no end.

"I am so tired.", Adrianna whined and let her head rest against a tree.

The friend group which contains Evan, Adrianna, Regulus, Barty and Caius, were studying outside near the black lake.

"You are going to hurt yourself you idiot.", Regulus complained, taking her head away from the tree and let it rest on his lap.

"Do you want to sleep a bit?", he added as he saw her tired face.

She shook her head and replied,"We just had lunch and it's the middle of the day."

The Black heir rolled his eyes at her response,"So? It's Saturday and we wait her until you wake up."

"Are you sure, Reg?", she asked as she looked up at him to see him smile a little.

"Of course, Ria. Now sleep.", he mumbled the rest and put a piece of her hair out of her face.

It didn't take long for the blonde girl to fall asleep on the lap of her best friend as the others still did their homework in silence.

"She is really beautiful, you know? Even asleep.", Caius mused with a titled head and chuckled to himself a little.

Regulus narrowed his eyes at him and said,"Shut your mouth."

The three other boys groaned at his jealousy, but Regulus ignored them, watching the blonde girl asleep, while playing with her hair.

"Do you think someone's going to steal her away from me?", he asked in thoughts and frowned a little in thoughts.

"I am not going to lie to you, mate. But if you don't get the courage to ask her out, someone else will.", Evan said softly, not trying to offend or anger his friend.

"The problem is that she doesn't want me like that.", Regulus sighed and felt the sadness burning inside of him.

Barty shook his head in disbelief and replied,"Reg she looks at you, like you are her entire world."

"Just ask her out, trust me.", he added and once again shook his head at the silliness of his friend.

The Black heir was in deep thought as he stared at the girl with a mix of sadness and adoration.
How could someone like her, so full of life and happiness, ever love him?
He was the entire opposite of her, quiet, shy and definitely not happy.
Well, he is happy when she is with him.

Regulus was forced out of his fantasies as Caius asked curious,"Do you love her?"

He merely looked at Caius with a little frown and said boy continued," I mean—not just a crush. I mean do you 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 her?"

Regulus' eyes fell on the sleeping girl once again as he replied,"I do. I love her more than anything."

"Do you want her with someone else one day?", Barty asked, trying to show his friend that he should start making moves.

"Of course not.", Regulus exclaimed, anger playing on his face at this question.
How could he want that?

"Do you want to marry her one day? You know something serious.", Evan questioned and was feeling hopeless that this point.

"I am going to marry her.", the Black stated firmly and looked at his friends with a serious look.

Caius groaned, his hands in the air as he exclaimed,"Than ask her out. Someone else is going to come and will be her future husband, if you don't make a move."

"She also likes you in a romantic way, we aren't blind.", Barty added and nodded at his friend encouraging.

Regulus began thinking and was once again in deep thoughts.
Should he just ask her?
If he doesn't, what if someone else is brave enough to make Adrianna theirs?
He would be devastated and his whole point of being alive, would vanish.

"I am going to ask her out.", he stated and was surprise by the firmness in his voice as his friends cheered for him loudly, but not loud enough to wake up the blonde girl.

"Hogsmeade tomorrow.", Barty suggested and Regulus nodded eagerly, while his lips twitched upwards.

"How come you have fallen for her? I mean you were always close, but like when and why?", Evan asked, feeling a little bit envious that his friend got the feeling of love.
While he doesn't even what it is, in a romantic way, of course.

"I had a crush on her since our childhood and I thought I would just grow out of it, but that wasn't the case.
So now I am in love with her for 8 years. And it was just a stupid moment when she draw something for me and when I looked at her, something clicked.", Regulus ranted full of joy and love as he stared down at the love of his life.

Caius was fake crying, being the dramatic person he always is, while the other two boys were smiling widely at this.

"Loving her is easy.", Regulus added and smiled widely down at her, kissing her forehead in a loving manner.

"Propose already.", Barty said and the boy simply shrugged.

"Maybe at the end of the school—year."

Caius' eyes widened as he cursed,"Bloody hell, Reg. You are just 16."

The Black heir shrugged once again and replied,"So? It's normal where we are from and it would benefit both of us.
We would be already free in a way."

"Why don't we start slow? Ask her out and then—well let's see what happens after that.", Evans explained slowly, not trying to anger his friend.

"I am going to ask her out.", Regulus said in disbelief and then chuckled with a shake of his head.

", Regulus said in disbelief and then chuckled with a shake of his head

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Sweet Addiction-Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now