Chapter 17

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Got some ideas for the next chapters 😋😋😋
Xiao's pov
Klee, QiQi, Venti and I were all making it back to my house. It wasn't a very quiet walk, since Klee kept chatting away to Venti. I could tell she wanted to know about him. She was probably thinking Venti and I were together, no way in fucking hell would I get with that freak. Although, he is adorable. The way he falls asleep in class, his smile makes me feel comf- what am I even saying. I must be insane if I'm calling Venti cute.

"So... are you into yk.. guys Venti?" I narrow my eyes and glare at Klee, she giggles and looks at me. "Do we really have to talk about our sexuality's?" Venti spoke embarrassed.
"I mean, I won't judge you if you aren't heterosexual! I'm not even a heterosexual myself!"
Klee smiles at Venti, even I didn't know she wasn't heterosexual and I'm her brother.
"Really! What are you then?" Klee stops, turns around and jumps infront of Venti.
"Pansexual! You?" Venti's slight frown transformed into a smile, "I'm Pansexual too!"

"I KNEW IT!" Klee poked Venti's cheek, "Knew what?" Venti removed her hand from his face,
"I knew you weren't heterosexual!" Klee grins, "Klee, you shouldn't say that to someone.." QiQi said softly. "Oh! Sorry Mr. Venti!" Klee bowed, "You don't need to apologise!"

"Ahem." I cough. The three turn to me, "We're here." Klee grabs QiQi's wrist and bolts to the door, they probably want to grind on Genshin.
"Wow! Your house is huge!" His eyes lit up, making me smile.

He glanced over to look at me and we made eye contact.

Venti's pov

I could feel my cheeks heating up, I could hear my heart pounding in and out of my chest. Xiao's golden, bright eyes glaring into mine.
"Shall we go in?" Xiao gripped my wrist, so offering me to follow him in. "O-Oh! Yeah.." I stuttered.

We enter inside his house, which was fucking huge. "YOU BITCH THOSE WERE MY BERRIES!" Klee yelled from the living room, "Oi, don't speak to your sister like that." Xiao snapped at her. "Oh yeah Venti!" Klee called out to me, "Xiao's room is really emo so be aware of that" Klee snickered "My room isn't emo the fuck" Xiao yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Would you like to come up?" Xiao glanced at me, of course I couldn't turn down the offer. I walk up the tall stairs and followed him to his room.

"If you need any food or some water let me know" Xiao placed his bag beside his door. "Wow! This is so big!!" Xiao chuckles, "I can show you what's bigger" I can feel my entire face burn up quickly, "Wha-" Xiao walks up to me and grips the collar of my shirt, pulling me closer to his face. Our faces were so close to the point our noses were touching, "I'm only joking" he leans in, my heart was pounding in and out of my chest faster than ever.

"Xiao! Mum's home!" Klee gently opens the door, causing Xiao and I to launch away from each other. "Sorry did I ruin something"

"No, no! You didn't" I shake my head and grin. "Hmm." Xiao keeps quiet, "C'mon you love birds mum's home" Klee giggles, sliding down the stairs. "Shall we go?" Xiao looks at the door then back at me, I shrugged. Unsure if I'd be accepted.

"YOUNG MAN YOU BETTER HAVE YOUR ASS SEATED DOWN HERE IN TEN SECONDS." Xiao sighed, "C'mon, you'll be fine" he grinned. "XIAO." "GIVE ME A SEC! LORD BARBATOS" he facepalmed. He grabbed my wrist, his hand making it's way to mine. Pulling me downstairs, "and.. JUMP!" "WH-"

We jumped over 6 stairs both landing on the ground firmly, we ran to a room that looked like the dining room. I was still trying to figure out what happened just before. "Sit down c'mon!" Klee whispered to me, I took a seat next to Xiao, awaiting our meals. Until a tall woman comes from what looked like a kitchen, making every inch of my body tremble a bit.

and cliffhanger 😋 LMAO 699 WORDS HELP

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