Touches Like Fire | Pt 1 |

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Whenever Sherlock touches John it's a good feeling. Whether it's the feeling of Johns arms making him feel safe as he cradles him close in the night; or if it's when they just can't stop touching each other and John just happens to brush his hand against Sherlocks crotch.

He never feels this way with anyone else, when he hugs Lestrade ( which is rarely ) he feels warm. John makes him feel hot, a nice kind of hot. The type of hot that spreads all over his skin and tingles with pleasure.

Sherlock can't help but moan whenever he gets the tingles, even if it's just a hug, it feels good. He thinks it's embarrassing but in secret John finds it adorable.



I hurried inside the flat, shaking out my umbrella before I reached the door. God I'm freezing. I could feel the bone chilling cold everywhere on my skin. I really needed a good cup of tea.

I walked into the flat to see Sherlock lying on the sofa cuddled into my jacket. Aw did he miss me that much? " Sherlock I'm home" I called out, walking into the Kitchen to make myself a cup of delight. I heard Sherlock quickly get up to rush to the kitchen, I must of turned around just in time because my body collided into Sherlocks, his arms wrapping around me. He leant down to rest his head on my shoulder. The distinct smell of Sherlock invaded my nose and I inhaled, trying to get as much of him as possible. His warmth was radiating onto me and I sighed as I felt my skin warming up. I tightened my arms around him and I felt him nuzzle his head into where my shoulder and neck joint. I trailed my hands to his lower back, feeling him sigh- his hot breath fanning out against my neck. I felt him grabbing my closer, groaning into my neck. I smiled as he begun to sway us back and forth, he hummed with delight into my neck and I kissed his cheek.

Maybe we should take this a bit further? If he likes hugging me so much I bet he will adore kissing. I brought his head back and capture his lips on mine, feeling him grab my shirt to pull me in closer. He tilted his head slightly to get a better angle before running his tongue over my lower lip. I let out a soft moan and threaded one of my hands through his hair, stroking his silky curls. I used my spare hand to grab his, leading him to my bedroom- I knew his would be full of acids and spare body parts. I sat him down on the end of the bed before pushing him back, so he was lying down. The room was dimly lit, so his cheekbones casted soft shadows down his face. He was looking up at me with wonder, a soft smile on his face. He reached a hand up to caress my hair, his normally blank eyes showing love and lust. I'm so glad I'm the one who gets to make him feel like this. I grinned before letting him guide my lips to his, our kiss full of passion and want. I felt him tug on my shirt, indicating for me to take it off. When I didn't I felt his fingers fumble with the buttons, slowly stripping me. When it was fully open I shrugged it off, feeling his hands hesitantly stroke up and down my back, relaxing me. He laughed and flipped us over so he was on top.
He sensually started to kiss my neck, making sure I was moaning. He sucked softly and trailed down to my chest, running his tongue over my already hard nipple. He softly trailed down to my pants, quickly taking off my belt and taking my trousers off, leaving me in just my black boxers. Well I think I need to take over now- grabbing him by the collar I dragged him back up, yanking his top off revealing a smooth pale white chest. I bit my lip as my hands wandered down to his trousers, popping the buttons open before soon we were both in our boxers, I was on top of him now, slowly grinding my hard on into his. His head was tilted back as he was experiencing these feelings for the first time.

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