Soulmates | Pt 1 |

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Sherlock Holmes was worried. Extremely worried. His counter on his wrist currently displayed 00.12.56. The black neat writing stated boldly against his pale white wrist. In 12 minutes he would meet the person who he would be loved by, and who he would love unconditionally.

Sherlock was stuck. Would it be a boy or a girl? Handsome? Pretty? Smart? Idiot? Sherlock hoped it would be a man, he wasn't very attracted to the woman around his town, and he knew he would feel more comfortable with someone who didn't wear stiletto heels and lipstick.

Lestrade had helped him dress, pleased to see that Sherlock actually wanted to meet his soulmate. I guess everyone gets lonley. Sherlock looked down at his wrist, 3 minutes. He walked out the house, going for some air. Hopefully he would manage to subdue the rising panic. 1 minuite.

He took a deep breath in, ruffling his hair. He turned around, wondering if he may be able to see his soulmate. Thats all he knew before he felt pain spread over his body and everything went black.

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