Not Average

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John Watson, blogger, doctor and currently the assistant of the worlds ever so famous sociopath. He was a man in the crowd, blending in with the ever so average absent-minded people. shop workers, nurses, hectic teens and barley dressed woman. John was a simple man, with simple needs.

Sherlock Holmes, the ice man, a man in which any dull minded person would scuttle away from. He wasn't average; fairy high above it actually. Most people wouldn't regard him as human.

You would wonder how these two beings came to be flatmates? Let me give you a hint; John Watson was not average. He is an ex-army doctor. He killed, and will probably kill again ( only to save the ones he loves ), he lives on the danger that floods around Sherlock, he lives for those days cups of tea as cast aside for a thrilling chase around London.

Sure you would wonder why Sherlock keeps John Watson around. He is a complicated man but the answer is fairly simple: he loves him. He loves him to the point that it hurts, to the ever so sharp point that he begs just to look at John, savour his presence because the next day he could leave and never return. Sherlock keeps him around because although he may seem average, he knows better.

John knows better than to under-estimate Sherlocks heart. His heart is elastic; John has simply made it bigger. Made it swell and made it feel like bursting because John is just so simple yet so complicated, so entriging that Sherlock wouldn't dare to sum him up, because words cannot describe John.

Nights that are spent in the flat are the nights the pair treasure. Locking themselves away from the world to bask in each others essence, drink in their over flowing emotions and simply surrender to the whims of their wants. To kiss each other until their lips are red and swollen, to touch and caress each other because they know how much a simple touch can reveal.

There was no need to hide their love, their eyes merely gave it away, a stone cold glance would be turned into a love filled gaze, even someone like Sally would figure out their relationship Status, so why hide it?

Yes, they do fight, all couples do. Sherlock would simply infuriate John, the ice man had no care for himself, often putting himself in situations so risky that afterwards John would cry and yell at his lover for being so stupid. They knew that working together would often tear into their relationship, but Sherlock needed his blogger more than he needed food or water.

They fight and have sex and sometimes they just sit at home in front of the fire like any other average couple but do not mistake that for average because let me tell you Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are simply not average.

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