Sick Days

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The atmosphere in 221B was quiet, shadows from the curtains overlapped the sofa placed in the living room. John was most expecting to see Sherlock, fingers steepled, lying on the sofa. The room was empty, not a sign of the sociopath anywhere. John looked around, confused, 'Where is Sherlock, I know he didn't go to sleep last night, and I know for certain he hasn't went out for milk' he pondered, running his hands through his sandy blonde hair, confused.
It wasn't till 12 that John finally saw Sherlock, but when he did finally find him, saying he was shocked would be an understatement.
Eyes closed, white face, and calm yet throaty breathing came from Sherlocks slightly open mouth. He was laying in Johns bed, wrapped in a cocoon of his blankets, his curls spread across the pillow. 'What? I thought Sherlock didn't sleep, and yet why is he looking so pale... is he Ill?' John frowned, the thought of his flat mate being ill making him feel guilty for not taking care of him- especially since he was a doctor.
Lightly shaking Sherlock, his fingers nudging his shoulders carefully, he tried to wake him. "Sherlock, wake up mate, you need to come get some tablets" John murmured, much ready for the long paragraph that Sherlock would give him, explaining everything logical that has happened to him.
Sherlock groaned, rolling over to face John, his eyes slowly fluttering open, squinting at John. " J-john" Sherlock almost laughed at how croaky and pathetic he sounded, " I think I may be...ill?"
John laughed " no shit Sherlock, now get your dressing gown on and come downstairs for your tablets before I carry you myself" he joked, helping the confused Sherlock sit up, letting him rest his pounding head on johns shoulder. " John why do I feel so...terrible, this is rather unusual" Sherlock groaned out, clutching his stomach.
" Have you never been ill before, surely you must have known once again you would fall ill, it's natural mate, don't worry" John smiled sympathetically, helping Sherlock stand, and guiding him down stairs to the kitchen. Routing though around 15 cupboards, the doctor finally found some pain killers, handing them to Sherlock and watching him take them dry, a look of repulsion on his face.
The pain killers hadn't kicked in and it had been an hour, a hour of groans and bad tv programs, and a few close calls of vomit. " John" Sherlock moaned, his head in johns lap, johns fingers massaging Sherlocks head; trying to subdue the pain. " I know, it's awful, try get some sleep" John whispered sweetly. ' why am I being so....kind? since when did Sherlock act this... Human? My heart is fluttering and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing... Do I like Sherlock?' John was puzzled, he never thought Sherlock was cute until now, maybe it's because he's finally shown he is capable of feeling human.
Sherlock sighed, ' Despite the immense pain I am being tormented with, I'm happy I finally am intimate ( not in that way) with John, I've been finding myself staring at him, he's so...adorable. oh Mycroft; caring can sometimes be a pleasure' Sherlock let his thoughts slide away, staring up at johns face, a red tinge to his cheeks. Was he ill or...was John blushing? Through the haze of his illness, he reached a hand up to johns face, caressing it slowly, watching John blush and look down lovingly at his face. Their gaze met, and they don't know how long they must of just looked into each others eyes before John found himself looking down to Sherlocks lips, and leaning down slightly...
'wait is he leaning down, oh my lord he is' Sherlocks thoughts became a jungle of mess as he watched John look at his lips, Sherlock bit his lip in anticipation.
With one last gaze, their lips met at last, slowly caressing eachother, their lips slowly moulding together. John smiled into the kiss, his hands still in Sherlocks hair. Sherlock found himself stroking johns arm, trying to move up so he could deepen the kiss.
When they finally broke, Sherlock found himself in the first time in forever, blushing? John noticed this and without thinking said " I didn't know you had Human emotions, but if you do, know I Love you" His voice was soft. He knew Sherlock would never say it back. ' work or John , work or John, work or John, John or work, work? No, I won't be alone, I choose John and work' Sherlock bit his lip, preparing himself.
" I-I Love you...too" Sherlock stuttered out. A smile slowly spread across both their faces, and John leant down slowly, capturing the once sociopath again in a magical, slow, tender kiss.

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