Freak to Friends

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Sally sobbed as she watched Anderson kiss his new girlfriend right in front of her, she could almost feel her heart breaking. She thought they were just friends but it turns out he is cheating...again.

She was alone in the rain and she just wanted a friend right now. Greg was out and all her other friends were at work. It was 2am and she could only think of one person who would be up at such a time. Sherlock.

She was desperate, and she soon was wandering up his street, hoping he would for once just be kind.

'Why would he be kind? I've never been kind to him?' sally thought bitterly but she didn't stop her walk to the flat. The held her breath while tapping the knocker on the door. She heard a grumble and the door swung open to reveal a very flustered John.

" Oh, Sally?" He looked at her before looking back up the stairs. She heard a loud groan and then Sherlock came down the stairs, much in the same state as John.

She felt her tears still coming out and just sniffed and looked at John hopefully. Sherlock scanned her and his face twisted, thinking. " Anderson is such a dick" He mumbled. Sally could feel a slight smile on her face as she saw Sherlock smile at John.

Five minutes later she was sat on Sherlocks chair, his dressing gown wrapped tightly around her. " I suppose you want to know what happened" She laughed bitterly, even remembering that dick made her angry.

" You don't have to tell us anything if it will make you upset, do you want a cup of tea?" Sherlock asked politely. Sally smiled and nodded gracefully.

" Love you should make me one as well!" John called after him, laughing when he heard Sherlock grumble and put another cup down.

" He's a lot nicer these days, ever since someone actually cared enough to show him love, he's just a lot more open now" He said quietly to Sally, looking into the kitchen after Sherlock. Sally giggled as Sherlock dropped the sugar everywhere.

" Fucking hell" Sherlock mumbled as the cups fell to the floor. John laughed and ran into the Kitchen, leaving Sally to stare into the kitchen with adoration as the couple fumbled around with mounds of sugar and three smashed cups.

" Sherlock don't touch that, it's sharp" John took hold of Sherlocks hands and lead him out of the Kitchen to avoid the 'man child' cutting himself.

Leaving John to sort out the bomb site of a kitchen, Sherlock wandered into the Living room and sat down in John's chair, smiling at Sally slyly.

" What have you done now" Sally giggled as she leant to the side to look at John who was currently cleaning up Sherlocks mess.

" let's just say that I have him wrapped around my fingers" Sherlock winked at Sally, they both giggled. As soon as John walked in it was back to normal, John sitting on Sherlocks lap and leaving back so they could both talk to Sally.

The two men both retired to their bedroom at around 4am and left Sally to sleep in the guest room, which was filled to the brim with old bits of equipment like broken Bunsen burners and rusty tongs. She smiled to herself, 'maybe Sherlock Holmes isn't so bad after all' she pondered before slipping into a deep sleep, forgetting about that prick Anderson.

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