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John left all woman for Sherlock, he stopped flirting with the woman we met and just committed to Sherlock. Everything would be fine... if Sherlock would actually try to be cute with John. Its not like he wished for a sickly cute partner, he just wants to do things couples do with Sherlock.

John walked into the lounge room with a sigh and sat in his chair, listening to Sherlock mess around with his experiments in the kitchen before hearing mumbling of curses and the clutter of feet until he looked up from his newspaper to see Sherlock stood right in front of him, looking rather adorable.

John sighed and put his newspaper down before givingSherlock his full attention. Sherlock gave John a rare smile before hauling him up and into his chest for a rather endearing hug.

" well look who's feeling romantic today" John joked into Sherlocks chest before pulling away to let his eyes roam over Sherlocks tall frame. Sherlocks face was one of wonder as his eyes cast down to Johns lips but then quicly corrected his gaze to Johns eyes.

' does he not realise since we already go out we can kiss?' John rolled his eyes lovingly before pulling Sherlocks face down to meet his, lips finally collididing. Sherlock let out surprised hmm and kissed back, his arms slightly wavering before settling his hands on Johns waist, pulling him closer.

John always knew Sherlock as a cold hearted machine but right now Sherlock was so wonderfully human. He could feel the heat off Sherlocks face and the shaking of his fingers as he nervously tried to get closer to John.

John tried to pull away but Sherlock obviously had different plans as he muttered 'nope' and pulled John back towards his wanting lips; John hadn't had such a great night in ages.

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