Pool Foolery

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Since Sherlock had started working for the Scotland Yard team, he had helped them solve every case they didn't figure out. The government decided to reward them, since they were one of the best divisions.

The government sent Sally, Anderson, Lestrade, Molly, Sherlock and John on holiday to Greece together and gave them a massive villa for two weeks.

" Sherlock come outside! Put your trunks on!" John groaned, wearing his own black trunks. He pulled his stubborn boyfriend to their shared room and made him change before pulling him outside under the boiling sun.

Sally and Molly were in bikinis, both appealing to Greg and Phillip. All four of them were in the pool, messing about. Sally was on a lilo and Phillip was trying to push her off.

" Sherlock, You getting in?!" Greg shouted, all the others cheered, wanting to see Sherlock enjoy himself, he shook his head as a sign for 'NO'.

John laughed " you're going in wether you like it or not". He picked Sherlock up and swung him over his shoulder, glad to be muscular from the war.

" JOHN HAMISH WATSON FUCKING PUT ME DOWN" Sherlock yelled before plunging into freezing water, swimming to the top spluttering. John was too busy laughing to realise Sherlock had went below the surface and grabbed John's leg, pulling him under.

The other four were too busy laughing, and awing as they shared a quick kiss underwater before coming back to the surface, Sherlock's hair dripping wet.

They swam for about an hour before everyone except Sherlock and Anderson got out. Anderson was about to get out until he felt someone grab his ankle and pull him under! Once he came back to the top he saw Sherlock quickly swimming away. Cheeky Bastard.

Anderson laughed before swimming after him, ignoring the other three looking at the scene unfold in front of them. He swam under Sherlock and then came up in front of him. He raised his arms...and slashed Sherlock Holmes in the face.

" You're dead" Sherlock playfully growled before pulling him under.

Who knew a holiday was all it took to bring them all together

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