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( I know it's not the best one shot but give me a break I'm ill and I just wanted to update a small one shot)

Sherlock and John laughed silently when Lestrade walked in the room, both looking down at their Phones- which were hidden in their lap.

Do you think he knows we are together? JW

Probably not, he isn't the brightest of men in their room- SH

Why don't we test him then ;) JW

What? Why did you put the face? John you know I'm not good at flirting. -SH

For gods sake, Sherlock I was saying maybe we could try and hint that we are together. JW

Oh. Sure, but how? - SH

Kiss me ;) JW

Sherlock looked at John and smiled, he bit his lip and as soon as Lestrade turned around, leant forwards to press a heated kiss against John's warm mouth, their lips slowly moving together.

Sherlocks Pov:

I could hear lestrade close the filing cupboard and i smirked into the kiss.
" Holy shit " Lestrade coughed and almost choked on his own tongue. I started to laugh so I had to pull back from John's smooth lips. Lestrade looked at me like I was insane and I fought the urge to kiss John again- I didn't because Greg would most likely implode.
" You two are...Together?" lestrade spluttered out, a look of disbelief written across his face.
" No Greg, we just kissed to make a statement. Obviously John and I are together" I said sarcastically. His face slowly morphed into a look of happiness and proudness.
" Well done Sherlock, you've found yourself a nice man" He patted me on the back and smiled at John. Well I'm glad he isn't homophobic. Looking at John I remembered all the kisses, all the giggles and all the cuddles. Yeah, he is a nice man, a great one even,

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