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( In this they are already in an established relationship, Sherlock just isn't very romantic or close to John... well he isn't until the end of this one shot ^.^ )

"Come on mate, just one night out- forget about work" Greg slapped Sherlock on the back, trying to ease him into the thought of a night out with the lads. " A few beers and a bit of chit chat, John will be there too" Lestrade exclaimed. Sherlock sighed, surely he would have a much nicer night if he was at home, experimenting. " John might be lonely if you don't go, he wants you to come" Greg was begging now.

Sherlocks PoV-

This imbecile isn't going to give in, is he? " Listen Grayha-Greg, I don't care if John is going, you and your little friends can keep him company. I have work to do, and this case isn't going to solve itself" I turned my coat collar up, sneered at Greg, and begun to walk back to 221B, hopefully John will be there- hopefully he won't bother me about the stupid pub.

I shut the front door, groaning. Johns posture was one of the ones of asking. I wish I didn't know what this question was. " Love" He begun " No, John, I do not wish to come to the Pub with you and the 'lads' , I do not wish to intoxicate myself to the point I can't walk home, and I certainly do not wish to get so 'hammered' I try kiss you in front of all your friends, okay?" I groaned out, sitting down at my desk, trying to think about the case.

Johns PoV-

Sherlock may be the most difficult boyfriend in history, but I know how to make him do things he doesn't want to. Through a lot of kissing and hugs I managed to guilt trip him into coming, one word of the fall and he's eating out of the Palm of my hand.

" Pint please" I begun, looking towards Sherlock who was currently sulking " Actually make that two" I laughed, making sure Sherlock couldn't me him i whispered to the bar man " Put two shots of vodka in one of the beers please" The bar man laughed at me, pretending to zip his lips and then proceeded to make the drinks.

" I don't see why I needed to come, I am not socially intact and can't be of good use to have mindless chat to about the latest football scores" Sherlock moaned, taking a seat next to me, opposite Greg. Sitting next to Greg was Sally and Anderson. " What the hell is the freak doing here, can't he just be at home with his frozen fingers or whatever" Sally looked towards Sherlock, then to John, " You better keep him quiet" She moaned at me, I simply turned my head from her. How does this woman not offend Sherlock? He must have a heart of steel... or just no heart at all. The bar man came over, placing Sherlocks 'Special' drink in front of him, and giving me my ordinary beer.

" What the bloody hell is this" Sherlock coughed, looking at me with surprise. Oh no, Quick, lie. " It's beer love haven't you ever tried it?" I laughed. " Surprisingly no I haven't had this horrible drink, I don't drink alcohol, messes with my mind and I don't like it so I don't do it" Sherlock rolled his eyes. " Well drink up because I paid for it and it's not going to waste" I laughed. God he's never had alcohol before, he's going to be such a lightweight.

Me and Greg had left Sherlock for a bit to go to the bathroom. " Listen mate, I may of put vodka in Sherlocks drink, and knowing he's never drank before I know he's going to get wasted so make sure you record this" I laughed. Greg was gasping, " You spiked his drink! Oh god, I wonder what type of drunk he will be" He laughed as we exited the toilets. Looking back towards our table, I saw Sherlock gazing down at his thumbs, looking rather lost. All of his drink was gone, next to him were another four empty glasses, oh no.

Walking over to the table, me and Greg resumed our seats and I locked my gaze onto the rather innocent looking Sherlock next to me. I patted his shoulder " Love are you alright..." I trailed off, I didn't know what to do. I know how shit it is to be drunk and not be having fun, but Sherlock seemed to be...sad. " Jawn" Sherlock leaned into me " I wanna gooo home...m'tired" He was leaning on my arm for support. " Frea-Sherlock are you alright, you look...really ill" Sally looked concerned, " Maybe someone should take him home and look after him" Sally looked at Sherlock sympathetically. Sherlock hiccuped " I wannaaa sleeeep with Jawn, Jawn is nice to me" Sherlock slurred. Looks like Sherlock Holmes is a sleepy drunk. Better get him home, " Right then everyone, nice seeing you but I need to get mr sleepy pants home before he uses me as a pillow. I helped my boyfriend up, hooking his arm around my neck for support, His head rolled into my shoulder, he pressed a gentle kiss there and smiled at me " Mhm sorry I'm *hiccup* drunk Jawn, I didnt mean to be me sorry" he mumbled, all the lads and Sally awes, drunk Sherlock was cute. We stumbled out the pub and back to 221B Baker Street.

I laid him down in our bed and took his clothes off until he was just in his black boxers and I stripped down to. We both got under the covers and I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him in. He let out a small yawn and cuddled in closer, " I love you John" he mumbled, fatigue washing over him. " I love you too". We both fell soundly asleep, my arms wrapped tight around Sherlock, forever protecting him from the world.

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