Tyler's Apology

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The next day, Tyler is making breakfast for Chloe, who comes downstairs. "Good morning.", Tyler greeted, but Chloe ignores him. "You want some breakfast, I made your favourite; bacon and eggs.", Tyler replied, but Chloe continues to ignore him. "Chloe?", Tyler asked. Finally, Chloe had enough.

"I'm not hungry and I don't want to eat what you make!", Chloe yelled, as she pack her bag and is ready to head out the front door. "Where are you going?", Tyler asked. "None of your business.", Chloe replied, as she walks out and slams the front door. Tyler realise he really screwed up and he sits down with a huge sigh. He then calls Belle.

Minutes later, Tyler comes over to Belle's house. "You still haven't talk to her?", Belle asked. "No, she was already asleep when I got home, so I didn't want to wake her. This morning, I tried to make it up to her, by making her favourite breakfast and she didn't want to eat it.", Tyler replied. 

"Making it up to her, by making breakfast won't help, Ty. You need to do something better than making breakfast.", Belle replied. "Honestly Bells, I don't know how to fix it! Chloe hates me and will not talk to me again!", Tyler cried. "Hey, calm down. Crying don't fix this, you need to show her that you're really sorry.", Belle replied. 

"How? Bells, I need your help.", Tyler cried. "Ok, ok! I'll help you, just pull yourself together, because it's not helping.", Belle cried. "Sorry, if I'm getting too emotional...", Tyler replied, but Belle interrupts him. "Shh! Come on, come with me.", Belle replied, taking Tyler's hand and they walk out of the house and went out to Downtown LA. 

Belle takes Tyler to a flower shop, which confuses him. "Why are we at a flower shop?", Tyler asked. "Because you're going to get some flowers for Chloe.", Belle smiled. "What?", Tyler asked. "Ok, start off. What is Chloe's favourite flower?", Belle asked. "Tulips.", Tyler replied. "What colour?", Belle asked. "Yellow.", Tyler replied. 

"Ok, then let's get some yellow tulips for her.", Belle smiled, as she and Tyler walks up to the counter, where a florist named Jacqueline recognise Belle. "Isabelle!", Jacqueline cried. "Hey, Jac", Belle smiled, as she and Jacqueline hugs. "How are you?", Jacqueline asked. "Pretty good.", Belle smiled. "And Blake, how is he?", Jacqueline asked. 

Then Belle's smile dropped. "We broke up.", Belle sighed. "Oh.", Jacqueline replied. "He cheated on me.", Belle sighed. "What?!", Jacqueline asked in shock. "With Gwen.", Belle sighed. "No!", Jacqueline cried. "Yeah.", Belle smiled. "I'm so sorry.", Jacqueline sighed. "It's ok, it's been a few weeks now.", Belle replied. 

Jacqueline then notice Tyler behind Belle. "Who's that?", Jacqueline asked. Belle signals Tyler to come forward to her, which he does. "This is Tyler, my friend.", Belle smiled. "Friend? As in boyfriend?", Jacqueline asked. "I'm not her boyfriend.", Tyler replied. "No, we're just friends.", Belle smiled. "Ok. So, what can I do for you?", Jacqueline asked. 

"Do you have any yellow tulips?", Belle asked. "Oh yes! They just arrived today!", Jacqueline smiled, showing Belle beautiful bunches of yellow tulips. "Oooh!", Belle cried, amazed how beautiful the tulips are. "Fresh-cut and brand new.", Jacqueline smiled. "I'll take a bouquet of them and I'll like to pair them with baby's breath.", Belle smiled. 

"Great choice! I'll wrap it up for you right now.", Jacqueline replied, as she leaves the room and grab the baby's breath. "So, how did you know her?", Tyler asked. "She's my godmother.", Belle smiled. "Oh.", Tyler replied with surprise. "Yeah, she and my mom are best friends since high school and they've been close until Mom died.", Belle replied. "I see.", Tyler replied. 

Jacqueline comes back with some baby's breath and then starts making a bouquet filled with yellow tulips and baby's breath. Jacqueline then gives the well-wrapped bouquet of yellow tulips and baby's breath to Belle. "Here you are.", Jacqueline smiled. "Thanks, Jac. I knew I could count on you.", Belle smiled. 

"Oh, it's nothing. Just want to help out my favourite goddaughter.", Jacqueline smiled. "Your only goddaughter.", Belle smiled. "I know, dear.", Jacqueline smiled and they embrace. "I'll see you later.", Belle replied. "Bye!", Jacqueline cried, waving goodbye as Belle and Tyler leaves the flower shop together. 

"Ok, we got the flowers. Are we done?", Tyler asked. "Not so fast, Ty! It's not over yet.", Belle smiled. "What?!", Tyler cried. "Come on!", Belle cried, taking Tyler's hand and they ride to a gift shop and bought a card and a giant Teddy bear, which annoys Tyler. "Now, are we done?", Tyler asked. "Yes.", Belle smiled. "Thank God!", Tyler sighed. They then ride back home. 

That night, Chloe returns home after a long day out at her friend's house and heads upstairs to her room. To her surprise, she finds the giant teddy bear, with a bouquet of her favourite flowers; yellow tulips and a card inside a pink envelope. Chloe opens it and inside was a card. She opens it and reads it. 

Dear Chloe, 

I understand that you're upset and don't want to speak to me right now. But I want to say that I'm so sorry for hurting your feelings last night, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. 

I was just upset and angry whenever Mom's name is mentioned and it's not right to take it out on you. Feeling so bad for last night, I bought your favourite flowers and a giant Teddy bear just for you. 

I hope you have the heart to forgive me....

- Tyler

After Chloe finish reading the letter, she pick up the yellow tulip bouquet and takes a sniff at it. Tyler stands outside her bedroom door, watching her admiring her flowers. "Hey.", Tyler sighed. Chloe looks up and sees her brother standing in front of her. "Ty...", Chloe replied. "No, let me explain to you first.", Tyler sighed, as he comes in and sat on her bed, next to her. 

"Ever since Dad left us, things haven't been the same since and I blame Mom for Dad walking out. Last night, I went too far and I shouldn't have done it, not to you.", Tyler sighed. "You know, when I was at my friend, Amanda's house, I talked to her about it and she gave me a lot of advices. She told me to forgiving your loved ones is better than having a grudge against them.", Chloe replied. 

"Yeah, and?", Tyler asked. "I did some thinking of what she said and she's right. I know you didn't mean to upset me. You were just angry about Mom.", Chloe sighed. "Look, Chlo. I'm so sorry and I hope you can...", Tyler replied, but Chloe interrupts his words, by hugging him, which took him by surprise. "I already have.", Chloe sighed, who continues to hug him. 

Tyler slowly hugs Chloe back, he looks up and see Belle is standing outside the bedroom door, watching them embrace with a smile. Tyler smiles at her and mouths "thank you" to her, before having his moment with Chloe. 


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