Belle's Speech

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After 3 hours of Homecoming, it was time for the school principal to announce the Homecoming King and Queen. The school principal, Mr Gregory goes up onstage. "Alright, it's time to announce this year's Homecoming King and Queen!", Mr Gregory cried. 

Everyone stands by the stage and watches Mr Gregory announce Homecoming King and Queen. "Ok, the votes are all in and this year's Homecoming King is...", Mr Gregory replied, as drumrolls play. "Blake Finnley!", Mr Gregory cried. Blake is surprised and goes nuts. 

"Yeah!", Blake cried. Gwen is happy for him and he dips her down and kisses her, before going onstage to get his crown. "Congratulations, Blake.", Mr Gregory replied, putting the crown in his head. "Thank you for voting me!", Blake smiled, as everyone claps and cheers for him. "Alright, this year's Homecoming Queen is...", Mr Gregory replied, as another drumroll plays. 

"Isabelle Jones!", Mr Gregory cried. Belle is surprised and everyone cheers for her. "What?!", Gwen asked in shocked. Belle goes onstage and Mr Gregory helps her up onstage. "Congratulations, Isabelle.", Mr Gregory smiled, putting her crown on her head. "Thank you, sir.", Belle smiled. 

Emma, who is holding Belle's phone, ready to Instagram Live her. Belle signals Emma to start streaming and Belle began to say her speech. 

"First of all, I would like to say thank you to everyone who voted for me as this year's Homecoming Queen. But I just want to say that all my life, I've been treated and raised like a princess and have been so busy with myself on social media. I thought my life coming from a rich family is everything in the world to me.", Belle smiled. 

"I thought I had the perfect lifestyle, the perfect family, great friends and an amazing boyfriend.", Belle smiled, as Blake blushes. But the truth is, nothing is perfect and I'm not the perfect girl that everyone wants to be. And I know everyone knows the truth about me and Tyler Jordan. Yes, I used him as a rebound, to mend my broken heart. But I hurt him, and I regret what I did.", Belle sighed. 

"But I learned my lesson, and I only wish that I didn't have to lose him to learn it, because love is more important than anything. Which is why, I decide to turn down my position as this year's Homecoming Queen and crown someone who taught me everything in life. Piper!", Belle smiled, as Piper looks up. Piper walks up on stage and Belle takes her crown off her head and place it on Piper's head. 

"Belle, I don't understand. I thought this is what you wanted.", Piper replied. "I did, but I don't want it anymore. I realise that love is more important than just a diamond crown, which is why you deserve to be this year's Homecoming Queen.", Belle smiled. Piper and Belle hugs and Belle goes offstage, leaving everyone, including Mr Gregory speechless. 

"Well, I guess we have this year's new Homecoming Queen, Piper Canning.", Mr Gregory replied, as Piper goes in the middle of the stage and grabs the microphone. But before she could say anything, Blake goes to her, hoping to dance with her. "Alright, let's dance!", Blake smiled, in a flirty way. 

Piper, who is disgusted, shouts at him, through the microphone. "No!", Piper yelled, through the microphone, which hurts everyone's ears, including Blake, who faints. "Fuck yeah!", Piper yelled, as everyone cheers for her. "DJ, hit it!", Mr Gregory cried, as the music starts playing and everyone starts dancing. 

Luke and Daniel hugs Belle. "We're so proud of you, Bells.", Daniel sighed. "Are you ok?", Luke asked. "I'm so ok! I'm just glad to let everyone who I really am.", Belle smiled. "Belle!", Emma cried. "Hey!", Belle smiled, as she hugs Emma and Lauren. 

"You ok?", Emma asked. "Yeah, I just need some time alone.", Belle smiled. "Belle, I officially forgive you.", Lauren smiled, which everyone laughs. "Thanks, Lauren. I'm going to go outside and just have a moment to myself.", Belle smiled. "Ok, we'll be here when you're back.", Emma smiled. "Ok, I'll be back.", Belle smiled, as she heads out of the venue. 

"Come on, girls. Let's dance!", Daniel cried, as they all went to the dance floor together. Meanwhile, Belle goes outside, to have some alone time, when her phone receives a text. It was Tyler. 

After reading his latest text, Belle realises Tyler is at the school

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After reading his latest text, Belle realises Tyler is at the school. Suddenly, she hears a motorcycle engine roars and she looks up and sees Tyler riding his motorcycle across the school courtyard. Belle smiles as he stops his motorcycle and takes off his helmet. He gets off, wearing a black suit with a white long-sleeved button up-collar shirt and his hair slicked to the side. 

"Hey.", Tyler smiled "Tyler! I'm so sorry for everything!", Belle cried. "Don't, it's ok.", Tyler sighed. "Look, I meant what I said up there. Love is more important than anything and I promise that I would never hurt you again.", Belle sighed. "Ok, I'm glad you made that promise, but there one tiny thing in your speech that is wrong.", Tyler replied. 

"Really? What?", Belle asked. "You never did lose me", Tyler sighed. "I love you.", Belle sighed, which makes Tyler smile. "I love you, too.", Tyler sighed, as they share a kiss, reconciling their relationship. 

"Come on, let's go dance.", Tyler smiled, as he and Belle runs back inside and join their friends on the dance floor, where they dance together, while Blake and Gwen just sat there and watch everyone having a great time. 

After Homecoming, Belle and Tyler leaves together on his motorcycle and rides away together. They arrive back to Belle's house and Belle takes Tyler to her room and they start kissing, and slowly undressing each other. Belle unbutton Tyler's shirt and sees his angel wings tattoo on his back, for the first time. 

She traces her finger onto his tattoo before he turns around to kiss her and unzip her dress. Belle gently pushes Tyler onto her bed, before climbing on top of him and kisses him, and they began to make love for the first time. After making love, Belle and Tyler fell asleep in each other's arms.


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