Happy Endings

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5 years later, Belle and Tyler relationship still remains strong as ever and things have changed a lot since high school. Belle and Tyler graduated from high school and went to separate colleges.

Belle attends to New York University (NYU), in New York, studying fashion design, while Tyler attends University of Chicago (UChicago), in Chicago, studying sports management. They agree to do long distance and they remain strong during those long distance years. 

Daniel finish college and now owns his own business. Lauren also graduated and attends to Stanford University to study art and design. She and Daniel start a relationship after she graduates from college.

Luke and Emma are still together and they too went to separate colleges and still remain strong during those years. Chloe is still in high school and is now a Straight A-student in her class. Belle's father, Robert continues to work, but is able to spend time with his children. 

Tyler eventually reunites with his father, Ian and forgives him for everything from the past. Ian and Sara agrees to work things out for their children and remain as good friends. Ian even took Tyler and Chloe to meet their half-brothers, whom they instantly get along. 

Today, Belle and Tyler are now 22 years old and they now live together in a penthouse apartment that Robert have bought for them, the couple are also engaged. After a year of being engaged together, Belle and Tyler got married on a beach in Hawaii, where their friends and families attend. 

Lauren and Emma is Belle's bridesmaid and maid of honour, while Luke and Daniel is Tyler's best man and groomsman. As Belle is prepared to walk down the aisle, Robert appears, about to take her down the aisle. "You're ready?", Robert asked. "Yes, Dad. I am.", Belle smiled. 

Robert looks down and is surprised to see Belle wearing her mother's pearls, like she wore them at her school Homecoming, 5 years ago. "You're wearing her pearls.", Robert sighed. "I just want her to be here at my wedding.", Belle sighed. Robert takes her hand and smiles. "She is.", Robert sighed, as he and Belle walks down the aisle, as everyone look on, while Tyler smiles. 

Belle smiles at Tyler, as she walks down the aisle with Robert, by her side. After walking her down the aisle, Robert kisses Belle goodbye, before shaking Tyler's hand, before taking his seat. The couple then exchange their vows and said their I dos to each other. 

"I, Tyler Jacob Jordan, take you Isabelle Satine Jones, to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to love and cherish you, and be there for you through good and the bad times. I promise to look after you, in sickness and in health and protect you, as long as we both shall live.", Tyler sighed. 

"I, Isabelle Satine Jones, take you Tyler Jacob Jordan, to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to be there for you, through the good and the bad times, in sickness and in health. I promise to love and to cherish you, til death do us part.", Belle sighed. 

Luke give out the rings, and Belle takes Tyler's ring, while Tyler took hers. Tyler puts Belle's ring in her finger first, before Belle puts his ring on his. After exchanging rings, they're now officially married. "I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride.", the celebrant smiled. 

Belle and Tyler grab each other and kiss in front of their families and friends, who cheered on for them. After their kiss, Belle and Tyler held hands with a smile. "Ladies and gentlemen, I present you, Mr and Mrs Jordan!", the celebrant cried, as Belle and Tyler raise their arms up together, as everyone cheer on. 

After the ceremony, there was a wedding reception held at the beach. Everyone is enjoying a seafood buffet and Pina coladas. Belle and Tyler have their first dance together, and soon Belle and Robert have their dance, and so did Tyler and Sara. 

After the wedding, it was time to Belle and Tyler to head off to another Hawaii destination for their honeymoon getaway, on Tyler's motorcycle. Belle changes out from her wedding dress, into an all-white leather jacket with white jeans and heels. Tyler even change from his suit into an all-black leather jacket with black jeans and black boots. 

Before their departure, the newlyweds are saying their goodbyes to their friends and families. "Come on, Bells. Let's go.", Tyler smiled, as he and Belle goes to his motorcycle. "Wait! I need to throw my bouquet.", Belle cried. "Oh, she's gonna throw the bouquet!", Chloe cried. All of the single women stand together in a group, ready to catch the bouquet. 

Belle then turns her back. "Ready, ladies?! 3, 2, 1!", Belle cried, throwing her bouquet from behind. Emma suddenly catches it in her hands, which surprises everyone, including her and Belle. Emma smiles and kiss blow goodbye to Belle, as she puts on her helmet and waves goodbye to everyone. 

"Bye, Belle!", Emma cried, as Belle and Tyler leaves goodbye before they ride away into the sunset as their family and friends watch on. As they ride away in the wind, Belle and Tyler watches the beautiful sunset as Belle held Tyler close and they smile to themselves, looking forward to their future...


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