17) I am Too Smart for my Own Good

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"What are you thinking?" Callan's voice bought me back to the present.

"Lots of things. I have many puzzle pieces. I am trying to fix them together."

"Why don't you speak everything aloud. It will clear your head and maybe I can help you." He suggested.

"Alright," I said relieving a large sigh and sitting beside him. "I will start one by one. There are three pieces. First is the stone, second is the spirit of fortune and third is the full moon. Which one should I start with?"

"The spirit of fortune," he said slowly as if trying the words aloud. "That's exciting and new. Start with it."

"Okay. So, the village of Blanton, that is termed Kongsberg in the late 19th century, has this legend..."

"Wait" he interrupted "Kongsberg is the place where we went to search for the stone, right? It's the town from where the fisherman's girl with the bracelet was, right?"

"Exactly." I nodded. When he motioned me to continue, I spoke again. "So, this town had a legend of a spirit of fortune. When the fisherman first found the stone from the river, around the same time a spirit was seen in the village. The fisherman himself was the first one to see it but then other people saw it too. Soon after, the fisherman started becoming rich. People didn't know about the stone he had picked from the river. So, they started blaming his fortune on the spirit. Hence, the spirit of fortune."

"So, why does this spirit of fortune suddenly interest you?" he asked in confusion.

"Because unknown to others, this spirit arrived in the village after the introduction of larvikite."

"Larvikite? Now, what's that?"

"The stone in our belt. It's called Larvikite. This is a type of jewel. I have no idea if it's related to the magic of any kind or not but it is used in medicine to help increase memory or something. You know this jewel is extremely rare. It is native to a place in Norway which incidentally is also the place where the town of Kongsberg is." I finished proudly.

"When did you become such an encyclopaedia?" he asked trying to hide the laughter in his voice.

"It's Dora. She was reading about some facts on jewels when my eyes fell on the picture of Larvikite. It matched exactly with the stone of our belt so I read whatever the book had to offer." I told him.

"Okay. So, the last piece. Full moon. What has that got to do with all this?"

"Yeah. So, here's the fun fact. My attack and this attack, both were done on the next day of the full moon." This information was the most shocking to Callan. "Are you sure?" he asked surprised.

"Yeah. Larry and Dora have an obsession with romance under the full moon. So, I am two hundred per cent sure." I explained.

"I noticed that all the attacks happen exactly after a month. But never noticed the full moon part. If you are right, then not only two but all the attacks happen on the next day of a full moon." he shared.

Both of us smiled at each other at this information. It was surely leading somewhere. "Okay. Last story. This is the connecting part of the three." I spoke as Callan sat straight waiting for it. "As I was telling you in the morning, the stone has a tendency to glow under the full moon. Once when the fisherman girl was outside, wearing her bracelet, it glowed due to the full moon. At that exact moment, she also saw a movement in the nearby forest and I could have sworn that she saw the spirit of fortune."

"So, what's the plan. What should we do?"

"I say we connect the pieces. Yesterday was a full moon. So, the spirit must be still outside somewhere. If we manage to find it by some means, then maybe it could lead us to a new stone." I explained the mess my brain has come up with.

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