First sign of insecurity... but also my improvement

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Like you can tell that I'm getting better from this point

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Like you can tell that I'm getting better from this point. This is a lot better from the last pieces I drew on MSPaint. This cat is named Kasper, but it's not really important... And all I can really say to past me writing this in the description:
"Sorry I haven't been posting I just really didn't know what to draw and have been a little insecure about my art. You know if it was good enough to post on here."

First of all, you're not going to care about that in the- Oh god! My bird just startled me lol- You're not going to care about that in the future! You'll do what you want and you always should have! But I'm still glad that I went through this. Maybe it did inspire me to do better, but the reason should not have been caring what those DA cringe people thought! They were jerks anyway, and you shouldn't have gotten so obsessed with their content...

It wasn't good critique, it was all just bullying and kinkshaming. The only person who was somewhat good was solarsands and when you watched him he was still a jerk who shouted at art he didn't like.

I know it's probably a bit... cringy to talk to myself like this, but it's part of why I made this. I'm looking back at my own life and finally telling myself that I'm proud of me. I'm so damn proud of how far I've come from back then. And I wish past me knew they would at some point be proud of how far they got.

Back then I got so insecure and this was one of the hardest times of my life, next to 2020 and 2021, but I got through it all and I'm so proud of myself for it.

Sorry if this is too emotional compared to the other parts, but this is all a really personal journey for me.

Date of posting: November 3 2016

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