oh, this is the dream

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it was mid december. 2021. 2 hours ago you were sitting in a warm, comfortable plane. guess that new york isn't what you expected it to be...cold temperatures, a breezy wind roaming through the streets. even colder that the lifeless grey, dark rooms of the red room.

the red room. a shiver runs over your back just when you think about it...

it was only 3 p.m when you stood helplessly infront of the big christmas tree that was decorated with many, colorful lights. you've never seen such colors...so bright! green, red, yellow and even blue and purple! you were so fascinated by the lights that you didn't realize how long you stood there, admiring them.

it's crazy to think about, that you were in the red room just one day ago. and now you're here, in the middle of a big city that is not even remotely close to russia, your birthplace. you try not to think too much about the red room, because you want to get a new start, a chance in life, right?

you grab your bag and go to the hotel you rented. you didn't have much in your bag. you took everything that you had in your "room" at the red room. and "everything" wasnt much. just your uniform, a toothbrush, toothpaste, socks, underwear, about three shirts, two hoodies and one pair of pants.
you walked up to the front desk lady and she greeted you with a smile. "how can i help you, ma'am?" she said friendly. "i booked a room online" you said with a quite strong russian accent.

after she gave you the key to your room, you thanked her and took the elevator to go check out your room. it was big, bigger than expected. a bathroom, a big bed and even a couch and a TV. you were used to other circumstances in the red room so it was quite a surprise for you. luckily, you could afford it tho, because you stole some money from the man that was responsible for letting your inner child bleed. dreykov.

you had no regrets of stealing his money. the opposite. you needed the money. i mean, what were you supposed to do? stay there? after 18 years? no. definitely not. that place hurt you. used you. drained you. experimented on you. you had to escape.

after checking out your room, you decided to go "shopping". you heard some people call it that... strange. or are just the americans strange? buying clothes is "shopping"... it was new to you.

you just bought some clothes that you thought were cool and some other necessities. you also bought a thing called..."pizza". another strange thing, that americans say. i mean, who had the idea to call a bread with tomato sauce on it and random ingredients "pizza"? couldn't have "tomato sauce bread" done the job??? it was very delicious tho.

2 bags in your left, 3 in your right hand, struggling to open the door. that was your life situation. all because of those dumb "doorknobs". another bizzare thing here in new york. why couldn't they just put door handles?.... anyways, you managed to open the door and smiled excitedly whilst looking at the love of your life. your bed. your big, comfortable bed. it was about 7 p.m and the timezones are really different here compared to russia. you put the clothes in your closet and put the bag with the nessecities on the coffee table next to the couch.

you were literally so tired that you decided to get some rest. a quick teeth brushing session and a change into the sweatpants & the hoodie you bought were enough of a routine for you.

you finally were free. or let's say, at least gone from that bad place. you felt the feeling of hope and happiness spread in your body. after a couple of minutes, you drifted away in your sleep whilst being cuddled up in a fluffy blanket. a real, warm blanket in a comfortable bed. in an own room. oh, this was the dream.

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so guys, this is the first part of my story.
i have never written a story before, so please don't judge my skills :')
english also isn't my mother tongue, so if you see some grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes, im sincerely sorry, i'm trying my best <3
i hope that y'all are enjoying it so far....i'm soo excited for the other parts aaaaghhh :D
the next part will be longer! :)

- я люблю вас всех <33 ( i love y'all )

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