the training

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wanda chuckled.

"i can't tell you, y/n. that's mean from me" she said with an apologetic look.

"hmm I understand. well, i should go and change. i have to train in 15 minutes." i said, sighing.

"do you know who is training you? i pray for you that it isn't nat" wanda said, giggling quietly.

"No I don't, why would I be fucked if it's Nat?" I questioned.

i tilted my head and then shook it with a laugh. i stood up and waved to wanda before walking back to the kitchen. carol was still there. i put my empty cereal bowl and spoon into the dishwasher and made my way to my room, waving to carol too.

i silently opened the door and peeked into the room. kate was still sleeping peacefully. i walked on tip toes over to the closet, trying to not make noise. i took out my training clothes and got dressed quickly.

i then walked over to the door and stood in the doorframe for a bit, watching kate. *she looks so beautiful when she sleeps. like an angel.* i thought to myself with a wide smile on my lips.

in the training room

i was punctual and i checked my schedule.
"punching bag...weight lifting...boxing...combat training...gun training...doesn't sound new to me. i wonder who will train me. i'm legitimately excited." i mumbled to myself. i made my way over to the punching bag, where Steve greeted me.

"hey kid, ready to throw some punches? i'll be your trainer today. hope that doesn't make you too upset" he said with a laugh. i shook my head and smiled to myself.

he told me some basic stuff that i of course already know. i acted like a newbie, so i could shock him when i actually had to throw some punches. when i hit the punching bag with my first couple, strong punches, steve's jaw dropped to the ground.

"huh? impressed? steve, i had training at the red room. don't be shocked." i said, chuckling whilst still punching the bag.

"okay i get that, but DAMN your punches are great! great form, kid, i'm really impressed. now i'm kind of scared for our boxing training" he said, scratching his neck.

i paused to look at him. i still had lots of energy. The red room kind of has its benefits and A SHIT TON of downsides -of course- too.

"well, if you're so good at throwing punches, let's go lift some weight now, alright?" he said, clapping his hands once. i just nodded and took a sip of my water bottle.

we walked over to the weight lifting-area.
he said that i should start small, with 10kg of weight. he told me how to do it and what the dangers are. he stood behind me, just in case that it'stoo heavy for me.

i lifted that set easily. we stepped up a level with 30kg of weight. that was still pretty easy for me. he was also genuinely impressed with my work. he hyped me up and that really motivated me to push further.

we then decided to try out 60kg.
that was hard! it was very heavy for me but still manageable. i lifted a set again and he told me not to push further. he clapped and hyped me up again, giving me a high-five.

"great form, kid. you're really good! now, take a break and then we'll get to boxing. are you excited?" he said with a smile. i nodded as i drank water. i dried my forehead off from the sweat, using my towel.

we walked over to the boxing ring.
we warmed up a bit and then he had these foam things on his hands, to hit. i did as he told me and i hit them with minor force. he also told me to hit them with my leg. then, he held one up to his head and i karate kicked it, knocking steve to the ground at the action.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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